The Final Countdown


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
The home stretch on the GT program is here. I was up at MNV in December with a friend to see his car and things have definitely changed a whole lot from the early days. The volume of people and the number of stations and the layout of the facility all ended up a whole lot different in December 2022 than they were in January of 2017. But it will always be a really special place that did something utterly insane. So many cool people up there. Everyone always calls it a "plant" but MNV always felt more like a giant race shop. Can't believe it's almost over!

I was up again last week and things had already quieted down a bunch. Got to see Pearce and Pardeep and Angus King and Alan Eggly and Tony Benincasa and annoy them for a few more hours. And OF COURSE Terry came with! In general you could just feel that things were different. Seemed like it was down to about 20ish cars to go. Some parts of the build for the final units are already complete and will never be repeated. I saw the final unit and it was well on its way. Over the next ~6 weeks, 7 new GTs will be delivered at Icon, so I'll have a decent amount to post.

One more time!



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Thank you DBK for the update and I like your description of it as a "giant race shop." Well said. Glad that my family and I had the chance to visit last summer.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 11, 2017
Bloomfield Hills MI
Wow, hard to believe its coming to an end. Thanks to all that made it possible! Look forward to the next event.

Thank you Ford, Multimatic, Ford GT Concierge team and Ford GT Forum (DBK).


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
To echo DBK's comments, it really did feel different than when we were last there, 5 years ago almost to the day (one day off).


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 16, 2020
Gainesville FL
MAN! You guys are all so lucky to have been here in time to be able to be involved! So cool! What an event in automotive history! 🍻

Knowing how special the 2016 LeMans race was, and then the NGT release, I imagine the production winding down is emotional for some NGT owners and some involved in its design and production.
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Demolition Man

GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 29, 2006
danville, CA
Thanks for the update Dave. Seems like only yesterday that I visited the plant to see K177 during production waiting for it's next stage in the assembly process. Had a great visit, thanks to Terry, seeing many great sites in Toronto including seeing Niagra Falls for the very first time. Look forward to seeing everyone soon and can't wait for the next chapter.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 5, 2009
Southern California
Also thanks for the latest update.
It just seems like 2017 wasn't that long ago and surreal this program is at end. I guess as the saying goes, as one door closes another opens.
Here's hoping the next chapter is as awesome as it's been so far.
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Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
Wow. Hard to believe it's almost over. What a journey. I was blessed to be a part of it. Of course Terry is there - LOL!
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Farm GT
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 21, 2008
Seems sad, but every thing comes to an end. But all the memories and friendships endure.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona

I don't like it when cool things I've enjoyed come to an end. Like my 4 years in college, the 4 years of the GT IMSA and WEC teams were a blast. Trips to Multimatic, the races, the rallies and the whole new GT program really were "something utterly insane". The sound and feel of these last great ICE mid engine Fords will never be repeated and I'm thrilled we got to experience it. Dave got to do something more. Without DBK shepherding the enthusiasm of a relatively small # of GT owners and with only about 3000 cars extant, he blew that tiny spark into a raging bonfire of media, awareness, desire, and customer/car maker interaction that was a major reason the players who could green light this utterly insane project said, "Let's do it." We were all the beneficiaries. Bravo.

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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 17, 2013
^^^what Chip said!! Preciate ya Dave!!


Apr 19, 2016
It’s definitely the end of the road. It would be nice to have a gala for us all to reflect and reminisce.
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Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
Still remember the welcome email like it was yesterday. Time sure does fly. And totally agree with Chip, thank you Dave.
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Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
It’s definitely the end if the road. It would be nice to have a gala for us all to reflect and reminisce.
Maybe Dr Frank will let us have the gala at his place!



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
May 20, 2012
Austin TX
To echo DBK's comments, it really did feel different than when we were last there, 5 years ago almost to the day (one day off
At this point Terry is basically an employee. Any special reason you and Kelly were there?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
Epic is all I can say!!
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Special K

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 23, 2016
Franklinton, LA
Definitely a high time in my life, probably the highest with family factored in. Awesome friends and memories were made! I definitely owe a huge debt of gratitude for all those associated with this exciting adventure.
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Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
I was Fortunate enough to have been involved with the Ford GT pre-rally one (1) in Dearborn in 2003 , had the ability to drive 2005 prototypes and then purchase 2006 midnight blue GT in January 2006.
Watched it being built at Saleen in Troy and finalized at Wixom a few weeks later.
I Met some now “close friends” at Rally 1 from as far away as California and Arizona!

‘Fast forward’ past many rallies in many states thru the the 2006-2015 years to 2016. I was convinced we would never do another FordGT….till Raj ……..!

Then it happened… Applied, went to Multimatic , took delivery of 2017 Liquid Blue. Lived thru the dream again!
Same guys, old friends, new friends, some races, some rallies.

Still own them both.
Quite a ride so far !
Thanks to all



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
Only 8 tours left!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 19, 2007
Katy, Texas
Not much else can be said. The entire experience was something none of us will forget and can't say enough thanks to the folks at Multimatic and Dave for all the help and guidance they provided. Just glad to say I had a chance to be a part of soemthing special.

Thanks everyone!!!!
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