I will ask Shannon if she can let you in. cross your fingers.
pm sent. good news
one day i wanna be important
I will ask Shannon if she can let you in. cross your fingers.
pm sent. good news
looks like there is going to be 10 Ford GT's at the Texas Mile.
The Mile just emailed our numbers with the full list of cars entered.
This should be a fun weekend. Who else will be there?? I'll start a list.
1. Mullet
2. Steved57
3. soroush
4. ChipBeck
5. ??? post up and let us know. :cheers
OK......I have no driver training. But I am staying at the Beeville Holiday Inn Express! They are almost sold out. Who else is staying there?
Does anyone need a hotel room for the Mile ? As I have one I do not need !
PM me and I will give details