Sure they got alot right, but...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 17, 2006
Las Vegas
My only beef is that I can't fit a helmet or 2 in the trunk - it's the only thing I can think of that's unmodifiable. :frown


GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
Don't know if this has come up to R.B.Deleter's, or anyone else for that matter. Let's say - a bit of damage upstream in a "minor" accident. Ins. Co. says you "removed a federally required safety device" and we wll only pay up to the amount that would have been caused had the bumper been left on.

A little off topic, but couldn't they use this same argument for not paying when a car has had HP added, windows tinted, body lifted, lowered, different wheels and tires other than stock, etc?
I had an employee with a 8" lift on a ford F-250 4x4 with over-sized tires. He was driving through an intersection with the green when a 3 series BMW ran the red. His bumper was just under the max allowed but was still high enough to strike the driver in the head and killed him. Nothing was ever made of the extensive mods made to his truck buy the police or ins. companies.


GT Owner
Jan 12, 2010
West Los Angeles
My only beef is that I can't fit a helmet or 2 in the trunk - it's the only thing I can think of that's unmodifiable. :frown

Drive home with the helmets on :)


Mark II Lifetime
Jun 13, 2006
Louisville CO
So who has a theory on how the GT got away without a front bumper, if in fact the fed reg's says they're required? Remember the old Lambo Countach that apparently threw in the towel to an integral solution and bolted on a railroad tie and painted it black?. EEEk! - talk about putting a moustache on the Mona Lisa. Since there's alot of modern cars without visible front bumpers now I assume there's a simple answer.


  • 1980-lamborghini-countach-s-front-three-quarters-view.jpg
    90.4 KB · Views: 163


GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
There was a period of time (I believe between '73 and '74) when this law came into effect that many cars were cosmetically ruined. I can still recall in '73 the hideous black rubber bumpers mandated on the fronts only of many sports cars ie. Corvette's, Jag's, Pantera's, Porsche's etc. The cars looked ridiculous with their sleek, form fitted chrome rear bumpers and their fat black bulbous "stuck on at the last minute" fronts.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 24, 2010
Houston Texas
My favorite complaint is from the British show Fifth Gear where the host states that he does not like how the GT makes so much power across the rev band. And he is serious about it.


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
My favorite complaint is from the British show Fifth Gear where the host states that he does not like how the GT makes so much power across the rev band. And he is serious about it.

jeremy is a closet gt lover everyone here knows that!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 24, 2010
Houston Texas
jeremy is a closet gt lover everyone here knows that!

It may be that Tiff Needell of Fifth Gear was just trying to be contrary to Clarkson.