I think the stripe delete option is not considered by most to be an option when describing any given car, especially since the side stripes on the cars are vinyl and can be easily added or removed by an owner.
Most cars had "all" four options (painted roof stripes, upgraded stereo, upgraded wheels, and painted calipers).
My car (060813) in fact was ordered with the side stripe delete option.
Thanks, Centerpunch. Same here, I insisted on the side stripe delete "option" with no other options.
Didn't want any stripes, definitely didn't want that aural atrocity between the seats, very much liked the standard wheels (extra weight be damned) and wanted black calipers.
The car I originally ordered arrived with side vinyl stripes and I refused it. Thankfully the same dealer had one final allocation left and I secured it and my car was built two months later as ordered.
Of course, if I had the funds and any foresight, I would have taken both of them!