spraying water in engine bay

06 fgt

GT Owner
Jul 20, 2022
arnold mo
i want to knock off a little 15 year old light grit,other than covering my alternater,anything else to not hit with water?


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Disconnect the battery first. Then use a leaf blower or compressed air to blow out what water you can.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 4, 2011
This same subject came up on Fchat. Opinions were all over the place. Consensus is that power spaying the engine (even if you cover the electronics) is not a good idea. I use Cotton gloves with microfiber towels and detail bug remover. Each year I remove all the belly pans and tackle the under parts of the engine. Coil covers are very prone to corrosion and I would keep water or any abrasive away from them.
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GT Owner
Mar 9, 2007
So Cal
A mix of distilled water and your favorite all purpose cleaner in a quality spray bottle, ratio is proportional to the dirt level. Spray as needed and where needed, let sit for a few and wipe off with a micro fiber towel, suggest to get the Costco yellow MF towels, they’re relatively inexpensive, throw away as they saturate with dirt and use new ones as you go. If they engine is “warmish” cleaning is easier, just don’t burn body parts as you clean near hot metal parts.
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06 fgt

GT Owner
Jul 20, 2022
arnold mo
i do have spotless water filtered in a 35 gallon barell, thx everyone


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I never let my wife's car get too dirty and try to avoid driving in the rain when we can but when it does get rained on I use some microfiber towels to wipe it down. Rain water is so nice to clean up with.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 18, 2014
Kalama, Free part of WA State
I've never caused any problems using a garden hose and long-bristle brush. I recommend not washing a hot engine, wait until it's cool enough that you don't generate steam.