Thank you to Henry and the team at Multimatic for allowing this to happen.
Great partnership on Forza 6 and the GT!
What !!!! Jeez... I feel slighted... they didn't let me bring my camera crew and no personal meet and Great from HF3 !!! Wait until I see him at LeMans !!...:lol:lol
But seriously thank you and good timing !!! ,, I would say you were there just days before I went up.. I am the white no stripe # 56 in the video at 9:52 .. My engine was in place when I saw it.. I couldn't take my own pictures but you have done better for me !! I am now video Immortalized !! Thank you Alan !! !!
I would say that was sometime the week of May 15 .. For the record you got to see more than what the average tour would be.. Or maybe they heard about my reputation and figured I'd walk off with a pocket full of lug nuts or something.. so they kept me more contained.. :biggrin
Thank you again !! ,, now counting the days..