Sleepless nights.


GT Owner
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Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
For nearly 40 years my father has struggled with sleep apnea. Now I, at age 51 and much fatter than I should be, am afflicted with this same curse. My former snoring has progressed to breathing cessation resulting in my waking over 100 times every night. So while I try and lose weight, I thought a CPAP machine (continuous positive air pressure) would help me sleep better and make my life a bit more endurable in the meantime. Then, I found out that you can't buy one without a doctor's diagnosis. Uh, OK. This requirement led to my following odyssey at the Mayo Clinic here in Scottsdale. Did it work out great? Not exactly, as the rent a car commercial would say. This was my third experience with Mayo and all three have provided me with the medically predictable precision of a bunch of spider monkeys trying to f**k a football.

All I wanted to do was try a CPAP machine to see if it would help me sleep through the night. The machine costs about $1000. Great, where do I buy one? You can't without a prescription. AND, to get a prescription you have to have a "sleep study" done. OK, how much does the study cost? $4000!?! I have to spend $4000 to get the OK to try a $1000 machine? Yes! Well.....Ok, if that's what I have to do. Where do I have that done? I am informed that the closest place is the Mayo Hospital near my home. I called them up and they tell me that they can't see me for nearly 2 months because “they’re really busy”.

So I endure for two months and then…down I go to the Mayo Hospital and they ask me about my symptoms. I tell them that my fiancée, Veronica, has observed my sleep and confirmed that, 1. I have sleep apnea. 2. On my back, I quit breathing about every minute and 3. On my side about every 15 minutes. After filling out a bunch of paperwork I am directed to my sleeping room where they proceed to stick about 100 wires to every part of my body. My head had so many wires coming out of it that it looked like a Jellyfish. Then, once my entire body resembled the back of Mick Jagger’s component stereo system, the tech put two tubes up my nose, a strap around my waist, and another strap around my chest. All I needed to complete the scene was for Boris Karloff to come in and jam a bolt through my neck! Then he says, "OK, now lie down and go to sleep." ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I lay down and proceed to stare at the ceiling for 3 hours. At about 1:45AM, I fall asleep…for 15 minutes. At 2AM I wake up with a splitting headache from all of the wires pulling in different directions on my face. The tubes sticking up my nose itch in the most indescribable way. I tell the tech that I'm having a little trouble "sleeping", and perhaps a Nytol or something like that would be good. NO! OK…So I proceed to stare at the ceiling for 2 more hours while I fantasize about pizza and cold beer. The last time I was this hungry and miserable at the same time I was lost in the woods. I finally fall asleep. I am awakened at 6AM in a state of delirium.

Now I'm here to tell you that after a miserable sleepless night, nothing starts the new day off quite like having an obese minimum wage hospital tech come in and proceed to tear 100 two inch square adhesive patches off of your body ripping out the hair by the roots as he goes. Do you have any coffee? NO. The doctor won't be in for 2 hours so you can just sit in your room and wait and he'll interpret your study for you. OK. At 9AM the doctor comes in and tells me that using their sophisticated computerized monitoring equipment they have determined that, 1. I have sleep apnea. 2. On my back, I quit breathing about every minute. 3. On my side I quit breathing about every 15 minutes. Here we have one of the miracles of modern medicine. For only $4000 and in only 13 hours they were able to accurately regurgitate to me exactly what I had told them the night before. Not wanting to hurt his professional feelings I decided not to tell the doctor that when Veronica did her study, she came up with the exact same results BUT, 1. It was free. 2. I was able to sleep better without all the wires. 3. She made coffee in the morning. And…4. I got laid.

In any event, I survived the "sleep study" and got my “official” diagnosis. So I asked where can I get my CPAP machine? The doctor told me that because I had slept so little during the night they did not want to wake me up to fit and adjust the pressure on a machine so I will need to return for a second "sleep study" so they can adjust the pressure. I, of course, will have to pay another $4000 for the second study and they can't see me again for at least another month because “they're really busy”.

Mustering all of the self control I am famous for, I heroically resist the urge to lunge across the bed and chicken choke the life out of this mortal enemy. I cannot talk because anything I say will come out with language and volume that is certain to result in the Scottsdale Police Department dispatching a SWAT team to the hospital. I leave the premises. After 5 hours I return to the hospital because I have regained a measure of self control and the veins that had been bulging out of my neck and forehead are now only slightly visible. I ask to speak to the director of the hospital. After calmly relaying this story I assure him that I will not be returning to Mayo for another "sleep study" or to thin their herd of physicians. He thanked me for my patience and told me that a CPAP machine that can adjust its own pressure would be delivered to my home on Tuesday. I asked why that was not done in the first place and he told me "because most people use insurance that will pay for two studies". OK. The situation finally resolved, I ride the elevator down and as I walk out of the lobby I can't help but notice a big sign in the west side of the lobby in the Mayo Hospital. Next to a large photo of the founder is a quote that reads, "The best interest of the patient is our only consideration". :bored

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Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State

And SOME people wonder why medical costs ... aaaaah, skip it.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 9, 2007
New York & SoCal
thats amazing..........I'm speechless....though at the same time kind of not that surprised.
......its good your getting the machine though.......apnea is pretty dangerous......I've dabled in it a few times myself.....but when I quit smoking it stopped.......let us know how it works out for you.......


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
I suffered with it for years.
I know what your going through.
When I lost my weight it went away. Now I sleep 4 hours straight without complaints. I was once step away from the machine.
Hope it all works out!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 1, 2006
Chip, sorry to hear about your condition. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Thanks for what was the best post I've read anywhere in a while. I could greatly empathize with the level of "frustration" you managed to cope with dealing with some(most) medical systems. Good stuff.


Heritage GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter

And you are keeping your sense of humor.:biggrin

I cannot imagine what you have been going through with that sleep apnea thing.:frown

Glad you will be getting some relief.:thumbsup

Guess I'm lucky being able to fall asleep literally standing up [Mrs. Spirit thinks I must be related to them horses].


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Now, buddy, you were just at my house and I could have written the prescription for you. All of MY patients are GUARANTEED a lifetime of trouble free sleep.

All kidding aside, go see a good ENT physician and have him remove your tonsils and adenoids. A few days pain, you get to eat lots of ice cream, and you're cured for life. You will now be tethered to that machine and have to take it with everywhere. Surgery is much easier and permanent.

And yes, Mayo's reputation is somewhat overblown.


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
Hey Chip my son (27) has the mask he tried several and after a year has finally got used to it and it has worked wonders.
My brother-in-law (62) won't leave home w/o it and has had it for 5 years and said it took him a few months to get used to it.
I am at a friends in port orange fl. at the moment and he has one that fits on his nose like a snorkle tube and it works great for him, he also took a few months to get used to it.

good luck.oh and by the way none of them paid much more than the co-pay 40.00:eek


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
I went through the same ordeal - have the bloody CPAP or "piece of CRAP" - can't stand it.... not portable thus dont even try to take it into europe on travel

Drink more!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 13, 2007
Honolulu, HI
Chip, thanks for sharing your story. It was, at once, very sad yet entertaining to read. My wife has her own health care company and I simply wouldn't believe some of the stories if they weren't coming out of her mouth. A close friend has a CPAP and it saved his life, quite literally.

Good luck!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 1, 2006
Greensboro NC - IOP, SC
Weight primary culprit.

Chip, You implied in your post that you needed to lose weight, a common acknowledgement from other posters with a few noting the increase sleep quality after weightloss. I've noticed the same issue when I put on an extra
5lbs my sleep level declines then returns when I get my weight down. I would recommend googling "addominal fat" or "veceral fat" and how they effect your slumber. The cure for some may be on the plate in front of us.:thumbsup


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
I dream of food.

Is that bad?


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
Chip, You implied in your post that you needed to lose weight, a common acknowledgement from other posters with a few noting the increase sleep quality after weightloss. I've noticed the same issue when I put on an extra
5lbs my sleep level declines then returns when I get my weight down. I would recommend googling "addominal fat" or "veceral fat" and how they effect your slumber. The cure for some may be on the plate in front of us.:thumbsup

this comming from a man with a plate that says he eats a BLT 4 speed...:lol


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 20, 2005
Scottsdale, AZ.
Hey, tell us more about number 4 of the Veronica study :biggrin


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 14, 2006
San Diego
CPAP source

Chip, and anyone else with sleep apnea,

Once you have the prescription you can log onto and choose from dozens of different machines. His service is tops. If your machine fails for any reason he will overnight you a replacement to use while yours is repaired, all at no charge if it is under warranty. My machine is smaller than a box of Kleenex, light weight, extremely quiet, runs on 90-230 VAC, or on 12VDC, and draws very little current. There is also a model that runs on internal rechargeable batteries for three days, that a friend took on a horseback hunting trip.

The good news is that you will feel much better after you start using the machine.



Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
The most boring axxhole in the world is someone that has been on a diet or is on one.
They are all selfproclaimed experts. I hate them. I just lost 148lbs, for about the tenth time in my life. I am a foodaholic.... I think about good food and wine all the time.
I have no advise to give...

That being said. I now sleep a solid 4 or 5 great hours a night. I used to wake up every 15 to 20 minutes with my apnea, and every time I had to get up and go pass water.
I was always tired, cranky and needing a nap in the afternoon. Do whatever you have to do to get a restful night of sleep. If Veronica keeps you up at night, we Forum buddies will come on over an entertain her, does she like board games?? :) Seriously,
the apnea can kill you.