Can anyone with the single blade chime in? I have the 4.0L Whipple running 21lb pulley - and Ford Racing headers into a Heffner -running a twin blade Accufab.
So next time it goes in the shop I'm trying to decide whether to go for the single blade?........what sort of HP gains might I expect and how will it affect driveability?...interested to please get feedback from any owners who have doen a similar swap??? :thumbsup
Can anyone with the single blade chime in? I have the 4.0L Whipple running 21lb pulley - and Ford Racing headers into a Heffner -running a twin blade Accufab.
So next time it goes in the shop I'm trying to decide whether to go for the single blade?........what sort of HP gains might I expect and how will it affect driveability?...interested to please get feedback from any owners who have doen a similar swap??? :thumbsup