"Now there was a comment made to me earlier in the evening in which I was called arrogant and he shared that by some on this Forum I am considered “over the top”; in fact he shared increasingly so because I present projects, how to complete a task, and my comments on others projects as if it is my way or not at all and I have thought long and hard about that which he shared."
I can understand how you feelings were hurt after hearing such comments, particularly when you have gone beyond all reasonable bounds to assist so many of us in any way possible with your valuable judgments and recommendations. One mans comments, no matter how ill advised, and no matter how they may hurt, do not by any means constitute a REPUTATION. Every person I have spoken with either in person or otherwise who has ever talked to you or met you holds you in the highest regard. My friend, your REPUTATION on this forum is OUTSTANDING. On behalf of all of us, please do not change anything you have been doing. As stated by others, we all appreciate your efforts in our behalf.
Regarding being “anal” or “over the top” in my estimation, are wonderful attributes as far as professionals are concerned. Before, I purchased your car I owned a perfectly good Ford GT with 143miles, which I was about to begin modifying. I read every write up on your website as to what you had done to your GT and to other GTs you worked on. What impressed me was your attention to detail and preparation before surgery. Some may say “anal” or “over the top”. Let them. That is the way, I want it done on my cars. When your car came up for sale, it had many more modifications than I would have made, but because of those very traits you are accused of being guilty of, are the reasons I desired your car and traded mine in, sight unseen. In fact, I was willing and did pay a substantial premium because I knew every bit of work on the car was done under your supervision. I have never been disappointed.
During the course of my ownership, I am the only one who has worked on her. To make her mine it has been necessary to take things apart that you did and reassemble them after the modifications I made. I am continually impressed with what I have observed. Bottom line: The quality of your work product may be equaled by other but it will be not surpassed.
If I was to ever purchase another GT, I would seek one on which you did all the work.