Pure gospel on both points, Kimo Sabe. I'm not really all that claustrophobic, but the 1st time I sat in one and shut the doors I almost felt like I was suffocating and needed air - NOW! But, subsequent 'outings' in '40s have illustrated that, for me at least, those feelings are fleeting.
That said, there is no way - NO WAY - I'd e-v-e-r ride in one on a hot day if it had no A/C! THAT would never cut it! And on any day when the temp is above 80* - it'd need to be turned all the way up to 'DEEP FREEZE'. The degree of confinement in a '40 demands it!:willy
(Yeah, I know, Mikey - YOU love your 40's sauna effect! But then, YOU are completely nuts!)