I made mine, they are further forward, like a continuation of the inner fender. Nothing "pools" in front of the screen. Use 3 existing push pins to hold in place.
I made mine, they are further forward, like a continuation of the inner fender. Nothing "pools" in front of the screen. Use 3 existing push pins to hold in place.
I used screens on mine for a couple of weeks but got tired of constant,y having to clean junk out and listening to a load of gravel rattling around. Triple ppf'd the lower sides instead.
I made mine, they are further forward, like a continuation of the inner fender. Nothing "pools" in front of the screen. Use 3 existing push pins to hold in place.
I used screens on mine for a couple of weeks but got tired of constant,y having to clean junk out and listening to a load of gravel rattling around. Triple ppf'd the lower sides instead.