local shop in Raleigh has also built a beautiful set of billeted square one's Performance Engineering I believe ..... PM me w Interest.
Yes you did but you mentioned possibly making those sweet fuel rails available to the rest of us.
local shop in Raleigh has also built a beautiful set of billeted square one's Performance Engineering I believe ..... PM me w Interest.
Oh sure, just call Shawn Fischer. He has everything saved in CAD. He can make as many as needed. www.fischermotorsports.com
Mark did you fabricate these to accommodate higher flow and bigger injectors?
My tuner has on a couple of occasions tried to cut down the 12 ribs Gates belts to emulate the job Whipple does with them. He even made a special tool to do it with however on both occasions the belts have not held up and ended up fraying, so we're back to sourcing the Whipple versions.
Can you help me get a couple of HD belts cut down to the proper width? I have a 3.5" pulley on a 4.0L Whipple. What's the easiest way to get this done for me?
Thanks, Mark