Matt - Got your e-mail - thanks.
Bony - got your stuff - thanks for the update - may have to charge you for all the extra lines of text :rofl
Roger - The "Rotation number" was a sequence number assigned to your vehicle when the unit was "bucked" at the plant. The Rotation numers were written on a piece of tape on the front crossmember (along with the last four digits of the VIN and the colors to be painted) as the "body-in-white" traveled through the paint and assembly process. When the car was completed, a sticker with the last four of the VIN was affixed to the top center area of the windshield, and right below it, a smaller sticker with the Rotation number. Like the VIN, they are sequential, but not always completed in that order. A part shortage or in-plant rework could cause a delay in any particular unit, resulting in it being completed earlier or later than the next car in numerical sequence. Other than that sticker, I don't believe the Rotation number appears anywhere else on the car, or any of the paperwork that you would normally get with the car at retail delivery (it does appear on some other internal paperwork as a "job #").