rear seation question


Aug 21, 2007
IM sure its been covered, but my car has 700 miles on it, when I close the rear lid, the driver side sits up about 12mm higher than the other side a noticable difference. Is this just a adjustment somewhere like vipers have on the front hood...thanks for any insight
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Aug 21, 2007
bad spelling

sorry guys thats what happens with 7 hours sleep in three days..for
the spelling in the heading:ack:ack:ack:eek:eek
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Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
There are 2 bolts holding each latch bracket to the "firewall".

If you loosen those, you CAN drop that bracket down "a red one". If that's not enough, I suppose you COULD "elongate" those two holes to allow the bracket to drop a bit further.

I DIDN'T CHECK the clamshell itself 2C if the THAT part of the latch mechanism had some "adjustment" built into IT.

(I had to adjust the same side UPWARD on mine. That's how I know there IS a bit of adjustment available.)

'Other BETTER fixes, guys?
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 11, 2005
Southern California
You've probably already confirmed this, but I would mention that you must get the rear hatch closed securely on BOTH sides, or it will do exactly what you're describing.

When I first got my GT I feared I'd need a friend to ensure I got it closed right everytime I opened it (one guy on each side, pushing down simultaneously). But then I learned that if you place your hand in the exact middle of the rear engine cover (right on the stripe, if you've got one) and then push with strong, firm (but not necessarily "slamming") force it will latch securely on both sides every time.

I did notice a weird soreness in my elbow after a few days of GT ownership back in August 2005, but then I realized, "You know, that closing technique probaby puts some healthy force on my joint that it's never experienced before, considering how far out I have to extend my arm to get to the center of the shell, and then how hard I have to push down."

But like my entry/exit technique in my tight garage space, my body quickly trained itself to execute this move without any residual effeects. :wink

Maybe we should put a list together of the specific muscle groups we've all strengthened by owning a GT. :lol


Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
I found that the newer the car, the harder you have to slam the lid to get both latches to catch.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Oh yeah, and how hard to break a finger? Don't listen to this klutz Cantwell.


GT Owner
Aug 18, 2005
Lake Zurich, IL
Don't slam your clam! (I should trademark that.. ha) It can over extend and scratch the paint on the scoops! Adjust the latches. I adjusted mine so I just lean on the corner to compress the weatherstrip. I latch the right and left side separately.
Remember, don't slam your clam!