Rear diffuser fin repair
Ok.....I know this has come up on other threads but I wanted to give you a first hand experience. When I purchased my FGT, the previous owner had backed into a curb and damaged the rear fins. The center left fin was the most damaged and most noticeable (sorry no photo). I lived with it but it bothered me every time I looked at my car. I thought the fins were fiberglass so I sought out a mobile fiber glass repair person but no luck. I eventually purchased a new rear diffuser and had that one installed when I had my new exhaust installed. The day after the installation of my exhaust, I drove to the post office (1.3 miles away) to listen to the exhaust. I backed in to the space and was so enamored by the sound of the exhaust, I didn't pull the parking brake up enough. As i sat there preparing to exit the vehicle, I didn't realize the car had rolled back slightly and into the curb. Dang my new diffuser was scratched. I visited one of my dealers and the body shop manager said the fins are molded plastic and an easy repair. I took the old diffuser in first. It took a couple of days to repair but I have to tell you, the results are better than new. The repaired fins are perfect and looked better than the new diffuser on my car before I damaged it. I changed out the diffusers (put the repaired old one back on) and took the new diffuser to get repaired. I have posted photos of the repaired original diffuser (left and right side) and photos of the damaged new diffuser. I will post photos of the repaired new diffuser when I get it back tomorrow or Monday.
Ok.....I know this has come up on other threads but I wanted to give you a first hand experience. When I purchased my FGT, the previous owner had backed into a curb and damaged the rear fins. The center left fin was the most damaged and most noticeable (sorry no photo). I lived with it but it bothered me every time I looked at my car. I thought the fins were fiberglass so I sought out a mobile fiber glass repair person but no luck. I eventually purchased a new rear diffuser and had that one installed when I had my new exhaust installed. The day after the installation of my exhaust, I drove to the post office (1.3 miles away) to listen to the exhaust. I backed in to the space and was so enamored by the sound of the exhaust, I didn't pull the parking brake up enough. As i sat there preparing to exit the vehicle, I didn't realize the car had rolled back slightly and into the curb. Dang my new diffuser was scratched. I visited one of my dealers and the body shop manager said the fins are molded plastic and an easy repair. I took the old diffuser in first. It took a couple of days to repair but I have to tell you, the results are better than new. The repaired fins are perfect and looked better than the new diffuser on my car before I damaged it. I changed out the diffusers (put the repaired old one back on) and took the new diffuser to get repaired. I have posted photos of the repaired original diffuser (left and right side) and photos of the damaged new diffuser. I will post photos of the repaired new diffuser when I get it back tomorrow or Monday.
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