Raj Nair announces allocation process for 2017 Ford GT at Ford GT National Ra...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jun 24, 2006
Metro Detroit
Ford has been monitoring this site. All of you with the list of "foreign cars" (vettes, vipers, ferraris, etc) will be sorry you posted that info.

Frank, you've been out of touch since leaving Dearborn last week. Anders advises that, Ford issued an addendum/update to the loyalty formula intended to aid in differentiating the many potential suitors - prior model Ford cars still sporting their original OEM brown exterior paint, will move to the front of the Ford GT allocation process. I can't imagine too many original brown cars still out there to help someone qualify.

Note: I have taken no additional position in automotive inventory in an attempt to advance any interest in the above message.
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Uh oh, all my red Fords may not help then. I can't remember any recent Fords having brown paint. Do remember the color in the 60's and 70's. Cinnamint? Popular on Pintos.


GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
(Somehow, I seem to remember Ford trying to distance themselves from the Pinto, as much as possible! - no matter what the color!)



Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Remember Emberglow Mustangs Dr. Frank, only one year of production as I remember.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jun 24, 2006
Metro Detroit
Remember Emberglow Mustangs Dr. Frank, only one year of production as I remember.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 16, 2007
Ford has been monitoring this site. All of you with the list of "foreign cars" (vettes, vipers, ferraris, etc) will be sorry you posted that info.

That would be sad and very small minded. It should be based on whether or not you drove your GT. if I kept driving my GT as my daily driver, I would have 150,000 miles on it. They can't expect you to think that it is the only great car?



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2005
I had given up any chance of actually owning one of these beauties...But my prayers to the blue oval gods have been answered.

There is now some hope I will be able to snag an allotment. I have owned a half dozen Fords in the past 20 years.

Jaguar did a similar process to allocate the Project 7.

Applied and Jaguar selected the owners. Only individuals were allowed to apply, no companies, no dealer principles and no employees.

Definitely good ideas. Priority to long term Ford GT owners, especially original owners who still have the car. Bonus points for having had other Ford cars over the years and currently. Bonus points for Rally attendance too?

One NFGT per person, individuals only; a lease, with Ford right of first refusal if car is sold, might help.
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 5, 2009
Southern California
Ford has been monitoring this site. All of you with the list of "foreign cars" (vettes, vipers, ferraris, etc) will be sorry you posted that info.

Especially for those admitting they own a Corvette, I feel sorry for you, all the way to the bottom of the list!!


Well-known member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 22, 2007
Shock of shocks

Mentioned the application process to my wife. She said were in and to apply. :eek

Better go and settle some more cases. :wink


GT Owner
Mar 3, 2010
This is the same process Ford used when they allocated the 28 GT cars delivered in the UK back in 2005. I think it worked very well.

It is similar, in that those interested expressed their interest, but through any and every avenue possible. There was no process outlined, it was a case of lobbying your Ford dealer, or/and Ford Motor Co. and hoping for the best.
I contacted Ford directly once the announcement was made they were going to build the 05/06 car, but I received no reply, and no Ford dealer here in Ireland could help.
Just over 100 cars were allocated officially to Europe, out of a production run of 4000, and Europe has a population of over 500 million, yet only received a 2.5% allocation. 28 of those were for the UK, and just one car for Ireland. I don't see how it worked well, as it was mostly a case of those very well connected who received cars. I was lucky enough to buy my car at the end of 2008, in the middle of the economic crash, with just 1500 miles.
If the allocation process for the NFGT mirrors the ratio of the 05/06 car, I hold out little hope unfortunately, though I will try my best!!


*UK Support*
Supporting Vendor
Jan 20, 2010
Colchester, Essex, UK
Hey Steve - the reason Rob says it went well is because he managed to be one of the 28.... He (and his GT) moved back to the U.S. a few years ago making his the only 101 car there (to my knowledge)

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GT Owner
Mar 3, 2010
Hey Steve - the reason Rob says it went well is because he managed to be one of the 28.... He (and his GT) moved back to the U.S. a few years ago making his the only 101 car there (to my knowledge)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lol..that figures Dave,,then it definitely went well for Rob..however I was not directing anything at Rob ( Apologies Rob if it seemed that way ) just making the point that in terms of allocation numbers relative to market size for Ford, very very few cars were supplied! With a production run of the new car 75% less, it doesn't look good from this side of the Atlantic!
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*UK Support*
Supporting Vendor
Jan 20, 2010
Colchester, Essex, UK
With you on that Steve

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Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
If I remember correctly, a big "if" to tell you the truth…the new GT will be 50% (125) for the US/North America and the other 50% for world wide sales.
Per year. So if Ford manufactures the new GT for 5 years @ 250 per year = 625 total cars for N.A. and the same number for the "overseas" market.

Guess we'll all have to wait for January 2016 for all of the application process and purchase rules to be come definitive rather than the speculation that currently prevails.

I know I want one. And if the stars all line up correctly, my 2006 GT daily driver will have company in my garage.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
I have no facts to dispute what you're saying about the 50/50 split, but intuition tells me more than 50% will be available domestically.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 5, 2005
Wellington, FL
Lol..that figures Dave,,then it definitely went well for Rob..however I was not directing anything at Rob ( Apologies Rob if it seemed that way ) just making the point that in terms of allocation numbers relative to market size for Ford, very very few cars were supplied! With a production run of the new car 75% less, it doesn't look good from this side of the Atlantic!

No offense taken. It just seemed to me that with so few cars available in the UK (28 in total in 2005) the fairest way to try and make sure that the cars got into the hands and true enthusiasts, and not just people who wanted to flip them, was to have people complete applications which were centrally processed by Ford. I can’t think of a better way to handle such a significant supply/demand imbalance.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
I guess praying does help.. :biggrin


  • BDS 2016 GT Pray.jpg
    BDS 2016 GT Pray.jpg
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 16, 2013
Frankfurt Area, Germany
Ultimate confirmation that BLUE is the BEST and FASTEST color (but you knew that already) ;)


*Supporting Vendor & GT Owner*
Supporting Vendor
Aug 11, 2005
SLC Utah
Is there somewhere they will announce for current original FGT owners to apply for the allocation 'lottery'? ( link or social media outlet)? I can't trust the local dealers here, they want to be sure that they get their ADM's for anything they can.


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Is there somewhere they will announce for current original FGT owners to apply for the allocation 'lottery'? ( link or social media outlet)? I can't trust the local dealers here, they want to be sure that they get their ADM's for anything they can.

Local dealers will have no play in the purchase process other than as the delivery agent.

My understanding from my chat with Mark on Saturday is there will be a web site set up. Everyone who wants a car (all one million of them) will put in their order and answer a bunch of questions that will be part of the ranting and raving process. There will not be a "preferred American Express" line. One of the questions will be "are you the first and original owner of a 2005-2006 Ford GT". I'm sure that other questions will include "Are you Jay Leno" or "Are you Reggie Jackson". :)