Our district's Congressman is attempting to get ethanol gasoline banned in FL. Hope he is successful. Can't wait.
Jason, I concur with the above from 33Bravo. If one refers to "non-oxy" gasoline, IMO that is gasoline which has not been blended with any alcohol extender.Hi Jason
I believe non-oxy fuel as its called here in Minnesota is the non-ethanol gas.
Question to all, would 93 octane fuel with ethanol, or 91 octane fuel without ethanol be better for the FGT?
Around my place, I have a choice of 91 Octane "Gas" or 94 Octane E10 "Ethanol blended Gas". Torrie, whose opinion is like gold to me, suggests I'm better off running the 94 Octane ethanol blend with a 93 tune on my programmer rather than the 91 tune with 91 gas. So, that's what I'll be doing next year.
I certainly agree and that famlies with my earlier statements. Due to the "tune" Torrie has added to your ECU, your engine now NEEDS to have 93 octane fuel (due to the spark advance curve in the new aftermarket tune). This is different now from a stock FGT engine with an OE Ford tune which requires 91+ octane fuel.
So you would be foolish to run the engine on a fuel octane (91 in this case) below which it NEEDS per the spark advance logic in the ECU.
I stick with BP Premium 93 octane here in Michigan. It has 10% ethanol (ALL gas here in Michigan does as far as I know)
We do NOT have Chevron here in Michigan...
Chip - maybe you want to locate to the 'great white North" and sell some.
By the way , thanks for the clarification re: Costco and Sams etc... I never use but now I know 'why'...
andy (AJB)
Silly question likely best answered by Chip. It Citgo gas sold on the east coast the same as Chevron sold on the west? Or are they unrelated?
Additional question is that there is a local 76 station here in the Bay Area that also has two pumps selling Sunoco 100 race gas. Is that mixed with ethanol? I use a 4:1 mix of 91 (the max standard octane sold in CA) and 100 octane to 'bring' my average octane up a bit, to say 93 or so which is optimum for my Porsche whenever I get the chance.
Silly question likely best answered by Chip. It Citgo gas sold on the east coast the same as Chevron sold on the west? Or are they unrelated?
Additional question is that there is a local 76 station here in the Bay Area that also has two pumps selling Sunoco 100 race gas. Is that mixed with ethanol? I use a 4:1 mix of 91 (the max standard octane sold in CA) and 100 octane to 'bring' my average octane up a bit, to say 93 or so which is optimum for my Porsche whenever I get the chance.
Silly question likely best answered by Chip. It Citgo gas sold on the east coast the same as Chevron sold on the west? Or are they unrelated?
Additional question is that there is a local 76 station here in the Bay Area that also has two pumps selling Sunoco 100 race gas. Is that mixed with ethanol? I use a 4:1 mix of 91 (the max standard octane sold in CA) and 100 octane to 'bring' my average octane up a bit, to say 93 or so which is optimum for my Porsche whenever I get the chance.
2112 YES - CITGO is the Venezuela State owned, America Loving, Hugo Chavez oil Company. I have boycotted them for many years.
ajb (andy)