Proud (and STUNNED) grampa...

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Yeah, I know most people probably couldn't care less about this, and I apologize in advance for submitting a personal, non 'Forum, non car based thread, but, I burst a couple buttons on my shirt when this happened. I couldn't BELIEVE it:

My lil' granddaughter is 3 years old. THREE. (Did I mention she's only THREE?)

Yesterday, while I was baby sitting her & her brother, lil' Paige-E-Pooh came over to me and said, "Bah Baay (that's me...don't ask), watch what I can do", where upon she led me to her 'peuter', sat down, turned the thing on...clicked on all the icons to get to "Microsoft word"...typed out her name...clicked on the "print" icon...'clicked on the SUBSEQUENT icons (IN ORDER, thank you!) necessary to GET it to print...jumped off her chair...went over to the printer and said, "Watch, Bah Baay, my name will come out of here on a sheet of paper in a minute (pointing to the printer's dump chute)." Then she went BACK to her 'peuter' and proceeded to STORE what she'd typed so that she could, "show my mommy laydurrrr"!


When I was three I was lucky to know how to find the bathroom.

My lil' ONE YEAR OLD grandson can turn HIS 'peuter' on too...and click on icons to bring up his favorite 'kitty cat' game - and can actually "play"(?) some parts of that darn game on his own! DID I MENTION HE'S ONLY ONE?

I don't feel VERY inadequate. No, sir. Not one bit. Truely. I don't. :bang :willy:willy:willy
Last edited:
Aug 25, 2006



Pockets, if the Peuters are PCs and not Mac's then there will be proud tears running down my cheeks. If it was a Mac, don't ever talk to me again....

I honestly can tell you I look forward to the day of becoming a Grandpa. I just hope I can live that long.


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
They'll soon be doing all kinds of stuff you never did, like driving cars around.......

I'm a looooooong ways off being a grandpa, I can't really imagine it at this point. Must be kind of strange.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State


ME, or the kids, Bill? :biggrin

Pockets, if the Peuters are PCs and not Mac's then there will be proud tears running down my cheeks. If it was a Mac, don't ever talk to me again....

They are PCs. All 4 of them are Dells as a matter of fact. :wink

I honestly can tell you I look forward to the day of becoming a Grandpa. I just hope I can live that long.

I really feel sorry for those who, for whatever reason, will not know that joy. There's nothing in life more darn FUN than grandkids!

They'll soon be doing all kinds of stuff you never did, like driving cars around.......

:tap: :slap

I'm a looooooong ways off being a grandpa, I can't really imagine it at this point. Must be kind of strange.

It is a bit odd at first! But, MAN, is it a hoot!


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
EP you are going to be really stunned the 1st time one of your grand children says, "Gramps let me show you how to drive a car." :lol

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
EP you are going to be really stunned the 1st time one of your grand children says, "Gramps let me show you how to drive a car." :lol

My grandson is ALREADY doing that...the little...

I'd no sooner than stopped at a red light the other day when lil' Colin extended his tiny figure toward the front of the car and, in a frustrated little one-year-old voice, he said, "GOOOOOooooooo!" :lol