Also check that the lip of the trunk liner isnt pinched over the windshield wiper fluid hose.. its right in front of the drivers STEERING wheel side, sometimes the little black fluid line gets under the lip, making the corner rise, thus slaming the hood. Yes if you keep twisting those clips, either the pastic breaks on the tip or they wont hold, no big deal , just get new ones. Also DONT USE A REGULAR CHARGER AS THOSE OPTIMA BATTERYS THEY CAN GO KABOOM VERY FAST. DBK WE SHOULD HAVE A POST ON JUST THE BATTERY, WHATS THE BEST NON OPTIMA , SO WE DONT HAVE THESE LITTLE PROBLEMS?. They do last foever if you use them every day,but most use for sunday drive, this battery is very, very troublesome then, p.s. the bentley had the same, we switched to delco,which who care anyway, old fashion battery acid and noooo problems. :thumbsup gtjoey hope this helps. HEY GOOD LUCK THE CAR IS THE GREATEST EVER.............. :thumbsup