popping out of gear


GT Owner
Apr 25, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
GT has about 1700mi on it and it pops out of fourth gear. Only fourth.

It started out only doing it sometimes under accelleration, but its gotten worse to the point that I have to hold it in 4th with my hand to keep it from popping out all the time.

I did a search and found a lot of info about the second gear crunch , which is NOT the problem.

I also found a thread where eshrink's car was doing the same thing, but nothing was ever posted as to what the problem was or the fix ...

any ideas before we tear into this thing ?


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 26, 2006
Popping out of gear can be caused by shift linkage requiring adjustment or a bad syncro. As your GT is still under its 3 year/36,000 mile warranty, take it into the Ford dealer of your choice and let them diagnose and repair it at no cost to you.


GT Owner/ Forum Sponsor
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 12, 2007
Check the folowing according to the manual.

Transmission jumps out of gear
Loose powertrain/drivetrain mounting bolts.
TIGHTEN the powertrain/drivetrain mounting bolts to specification.

Pilot bearing.
INSTALL a new pilot bearing.

Internal component damage or wear.
Transmission internal concern. INSTALL a new transmission as necessary.

Gear teeth worn or damaged.
Transmission internal concern. INSTALL a new transmission as necessary


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
The manual doesn't appear too helpful - I've looked through it a few times.

Wife not pandering to your ever whim - install new wife

Too much debt in your life - install new funds

Children too noisy - install new children units

Life somehow unsatisfying - get new life

It's a bit like reading the Star Trek How to be Borg hand-book.

Instead of "Internal component damage or wear - Transmission internal concern. INSTALL a new transmission as necessary" the English version would have:

"Internal component damage or wear - ooh, that does sound nasty. Could be any number of things - when was the last time you checked your oil?"

Outlaw, sounds like linkage adjustment to me.