My son Dalton looks on as Camilo was gracious enough to sign my 2005 FORD GT!! He is a very cool and kind Artist with a genuine quality about him. this was one of our many high lights of this trip!
Jeff, you got that right... and she was the first one out. Lance told me that they had to change the rules as she was winning all the time. She can only enter one event per year or something like that.
Nardo, " YES!"
She's 26 , divorced and only loves married, italian men from New York, named GTJOEY and owns multiply gt's . Good for tuesdays and thursdays only:biggrin:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lolhappy 4th of july my friend! gtjoey1314:thumbsup oh and yes, there fake but feel real.....:lol:lol