Came accross these so I thought I would share the find.

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I am the maker of these pedals. I never really posted much when I had my GT. I made the pedals for myself as pedals are my business, but decided to put them on our website too. Never really expected to sell any. I thought the factory pedals didn't offer enough grip. I also thought I could make something better looking. A few guys have ordered them and should have received them by now. I hope they can chime in and let me know how they like them.
Gratuitous picture of my girl being shy in front of our GT. Please ignore the junk in the background.
thank you,
I am the maker of these pedals. I never really posted much when I had my GT. I made the pedals for myself as pedals are my business, but decided to put them on our website too. Never really expected to sell any. I thought the factory pedals didn't offer enough grip. I also thought I could make something better looking. A few guys have ordered them and should have received them by now. I hope they can chime in and let me know how they like them.
Gratuitous picture of my girl being shy in front of our GT. Please ignore the junk in the background.
thank you,