Ouch! But deserved...


Permanent Vacation
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 16, 2005
Harrisburg, PA
I deserve one also. When is the next open date to submit videos ? And bombard SM. I promise I won't offer for sale. It will be my coffin
when I die....

Jason Watt

Had both, sold both
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 14, 2005
Copenhagen, Denmark
I saw a video with that Rob Spaghetti geezer and as little as I like his persona and sour grapes when not getting an alocation I must admit he has a point when saying that Ford could have made a lease contract for 2 years with customers and this way make sure that nobody would sell them?
So what happens when one of you guys gets fired or laid off a week after you get your car. You gonna sell it to your C&C buddy under the table for $200k profit (maybe more) to keep food on your table, or just foreclose on your home and yank your kid out of college so you don't offend Ford and so the FGT Forum fanboys don't call you a douchebag? Who knows what's going on in John Cena's life to where he decided to sell it - maybe he has a major drug problem or maybe he's paying child support for 20 kids around the country? Or, maybe some guy offered him $1m for it and he thought it would be cool to donate his profit to the Wounded Warriors Project??? Get off your high horses - people sell their limited edition cars all the time - cars way more limited than the NFGT, sold by companies much more petty than Ford. He won't pay a dime to Ford if he has a lawyer worth his weight in salt.

Sorry, I'm not having any of what you're selling. He signed the contract and his word is worthless. I hope Ford sues the crap out of him.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 31, 2007
I saw a video with that Rob Spaghetti geezer and as little as I like his persona and sour grapes when not getting an alocation I must admit he has a point when saying that Ford could have made a lease contract for 2 years with customers and this way make sure that nobody would sell them?

I think I would rather watch a full season of the Kardashians with my wife than listen to that little pecker head for 5mins:lol

But I do see your point. I have to imagine they looked at a 100 different ways to do this and all had different quirks.


Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 22, 2008
Brooklyn N.Y.
Just my take, but the longer Cena and any other instances like this are a topic, the less likely regular GT dudes are to get cars in the future. You may intuitively think it's the reverse, but I'm not gonna write an explainer on it, so I'm sure people can work it out.
that would be unfortunate.......


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 6, 2014
Just my take, but the longer Cena and any other instances like this are a topic, the less likely regular GT dudes are to get cars in the future. You may intuitively think it's the reverse, but I'm not gonna write an explainer on it, so I'm sure people can work it out.

I’m sorry I don’t get it. So a multi millionaire decides to flip his car because he is rich and powerful and has always gotten away with whatever he wants because he is rich, powerful and a celebrity. Average Joe GT lover who stretches his budget to afford his dream car who already had his other dream car (FGT) is less likely to get one now? So because we don’t have as much money as John Cena then we are more likely to try to flip. I disagree. I think us normal GT lovers are much less likely to flip.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Ford Enthusiast
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 18, 2006
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Rob Ferretti...more sour grapes

Popped up in my youtube feed. I don't want to get too negative, but you can still hear the bitterness from not getting selected.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Totally missed the point of what I was insinuating.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
I’m sorry I don’t get it. So a multi millionaire decides to flip his car because he is rich and powerful and has always gotten away with whatever he wants because he is rich, powerful and a celebrity. Average Joe GT lover who stretches his budget to afford his dream car who already had his other dream car (FGT) is less likely to get one now? So because we don’t have as much money as John Cena then we are more likely to try to flip. I disagree. I think us normal GT lovers are much less likely to flip.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think you're right in that a true, "normal" GT owner would be less likely to flip, as it would be sacrilege to them to be honored with a car and then betray Ford, but I also would think that if Ford sensed it was a real stretch for an applicant to be able to afford the new GT, they might be nervous about a NGT owner "selling out". After all, they can't know which applicants have true integrity, or for that matter, who can well-afford the GT. Look again at Cena- probably has plenty of dough, but who knows about such a character? Might have run into some financial trouble, though seems unlikely, and still wouldn't excuse his actions.

Maybe applicants should also submit a signed affidavit from their banker or financial planner that they can well-afford the NGT! Also, I would think that a GT Forum "regular" would be a safe bet for Ford, for who among us would risk being ostracized here? :cheers


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Yeah, he sure doesn't get it, does he? :facepalm:

The only thing he said that makes any sense is at the end- I am also anxious for Brooks to get his! He wastes NO time in getting awesome action footage out to us!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 28, 2011
Fayetteville, Ga.
I think the point has more to do with the future builds beyond the present allocations. Although suing to enforce the contract is the right thing to do it is not the publicity or news Ford wants to F with. These headlines and stories are taking focus from the great car they produced and generating PR for some money hungry guy who doen't even need it. The more this goes on the worse it will get!!


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Oh no! Gosh I hope they don't do that. I know that production is a huge PITA for Ford, but I sure hope this whole debacle doesn't influence their decision to pull the plug on producing the final ~250!! :ack


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Wouldn’t say that but there’s an easy way to avoid the grief associated with who gets cars, and nobody here is gonna like that solution...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Wouldn’t say that but there’s an easy way to avoid the grief associated with who gets cars, and nobody here is gonna like that solution...



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 28, 2011
Fayetteville, Ga.
Wouldn’t say that but there’s an easy way to avoid the grief associated with who gets cars, and nobody here is gonna like that solution...

The solution is to sell it like every other car and allocate to the dealers. Not good for us but windfall for dealer and an end to the pissing and moaning from those who were not given an allocation. Open market pricing will eliminate quite a few of our forum members but you can't really blame Ford for trying to do the right thing and getting crucified from all directions.
Last edited:


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 11, 2012
Central Mitten
Holy crap is that guy a douche.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 5, 2009
Southern California
Never mind the courthouse, I say frontier justice.....GET A ROPE :mad


GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
The solution is to sell it like every other car and allocate to the dealers. Not good for us but windfall for dealer and an end to the pissing and moaning from those who were not given an allocation. Open market pricing will eliminate quite a few of our forum members but you can't really blame Ford for trying to do the right thing and getting crucified from all directions.

Completely agree!
What Ford did for it's true brand loyal customers is beyond for this day and age. No good deed....

"Thank you Ford"


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
The solution is to sell it like every other car and allocate to the dealers. Not good for us but windfall for dealer and an end to the pissing and moaning from those who were not given an allocation. Open market pricing will eliminate quite a few of our forum members but you can't really blame Ford for trying to do the right thing and getting crucified from all directions.

Agree that I would be pissed if I was Ford, for taking such pains to try and do things RIGHT, and this is the thanks they get. Keep in mind though, not all of us whose applications were rejected have been "pissing and moaning". I've been defending Ford left and right on various forums (even since the day I received my rejection notice), and doing what I can to try and increase my chances this next round. I have even been trying to become active on "social media", much to my kids' embarrassment. :frown

Hopefully Ford plods on with their current plan. It would be SUCH a shame for this Cena deal to ruin things for so many Ford fans.