Original FGT owners (that still own their car) that did NOT get order

Awsum GT

GT Owner '18
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 17, 2005
Carmel & Cntrl Ca
Original owner purchased in September of 2005, driven, tracked, car shows, taken and driven at almost all FordGTForun rally's. still own, I will never sell it,

You would be surprised how many of us have bought new and still own and have been members of the Forum since new. Don't give up until you have one in your garage!

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
Out of the 70% of current GT owners selected, I would be very curious to know how many were actually original owners as well... I highly doubt there are more than 500 original owners prior to the announcement of the GT last year.

I think, surprising there are more than 500!



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 11, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
I am an original '05 owner with 12,000 miles and, I too am on the Reject list. Wish it would have been a deferral. I will hope that production will continue to go up and I will get anointed. Good luck to the rest of you and Congrats to those that got an allocation....truly could not be happier for all of you. I am looking forward to seeing you on the road.


RED GT owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Bremerton, Washington
Another reject list guy here. Original owner of an '06, bought Nov 2006 and closing in on 22,000 miles. I suspect Ford will have to make about 4,000 of this model also, for folks like myself to ever have a shot at one.