Summer and I will most likely be out for both least I will....and Richard Hille should be with us for at least a day. Tech is 220 for regular GT tires like bridgestones and 230 for Hoosiers like the guy above said. At the last Magnum I did "break out" over 230 but nothing was said. You have to do it multiple times in a big way for them to make it an issue. I believe they are planning on making this a hybrid event and having mile and 1.5 mile runs. I suspect if you break out a lot they will only let you run the mile course and stop letting you go 1.5. None of you should have any issues though.
As for runs at the first one we did 7 and only ran for half a day on Saturday and they closed early at 4pm. Sunday is usually the least busy day and people are usually hot lapping by the end of the day. I would think you will get as many runs as you want, however they may get more people than normal since they will not have run out there for a year. They are supposed to limit the field to 90 cars each day, (last year they only had 60 and 50 each day)but who knows if they will change their minds since they will not have run for a year. If you are doing one day I would recommend Sunday. It might not be too busy though because they scheduled the week after Bonneville and some people won't do both events.
A couple of cool things that they did change. Say you come with your GT and your buddy brings out his 458 there is no longer an extra fee if you want to swap cars for a run. Yes that is right, if your buddy is willing you can do a car swap and run each others car. To some of you this may be more distressing than a wife swap, however we thought it was a rule change that was long overdue and we used it with some friends at the last event.
Second you can add a second car for only $200. I think regular entry is around $400ish. You would still have to pay an extra driver fee if you have other drivers, but it is a nice way to get another car into the mix. I am pretty sure I am going to bring my DB9 also just to see what the V-12 will do. Plus I can go to the line with Summer at the same time. YIKES!! :facepalm: :lol
Anyway those were a couple of positive changes that a lot of people did not know about at the last event. Hope to see you guys out there to cheer on GTED for his first 200mph pass!!!. :cheers