Welcome to the crazy crewe. I'll be the voice that keeps nagging you to drive the damn thing, and don't let it be a garage ornament. Drive it to the rally. See my tag line.
Thanks for the Falcon pics. That looks like quite a car! Is the performance as incredible as it would appear? I was looking through my photos of Rally X (we toured the Lingenfelter collection) to see if I had any pics, but I didn't see any. Would it have been there around late August 2015?
During the summer months I typically drive the car so August 2015 would have been in my garage. My Falcon is a very raw car. Lingenfelter built the engine. It may end up being in the Lingenfelter collection this summer because Ill be driving the FGT. Cant wait!
Welcome aboard and congrats on the car. :thumbsup
Look into joining us at Rally 12 in Utah... ours cars are perfect for Miller and best of all a lot of us would get a chance to meet you. Whatever happens just watch out for Copenhagen GT aka Mr Anders :frown :facepalm: :beer2::smash