New headlights for 2005/6MY Ford GT


*UK Support*
Supporting Vendor
Jan 20, 2010
Colchester, Essex, UK
As far as I can establish the headlamps for 2005/6 GTs are no longer available and I'm not aware of any plans by Ford to resume production of them.

I've been talking with a company called Bee Lighting who make all the exterior lights for the 2017+ GT here in the UK. I've met with them and left them a pair of used but serviceable headlamps to inspect and study.
After a long period of discussion we now have some pricing to produce replicas of the original light which will be a straight swap for the OE parts. As there may be some subtle differences in appearances we are only planning on producing these in pairs. As a service replacement part they will not be DOT marked - the cost of doing the extra testing to do DOT tests and approvals is significant and something I understand we'd need.
So far, so straightforward.

The main issue is one of minimum order quantities (MOQ) to ensure a practical sales price.
Based on an MOQ of 25 pairs of lights we can get these for £9000 for a pair - which I think is a sensible level given the values of the cars. The issue we have is getting 25 orders.
Timing would be 14 to 18 weeks from kick off to the first sets being available.

I considered doing this as a kick starter type thing to encourage owners to place orders with a £9000/pair price and a higher price coming in after the kickstarter as an incentive but I have no idea if we can get the numbers to make that work.
I have discussed this with Rich Brooks too.

I'm open to any ideas of how we do this - feel free to chime in with suggestions or drop me a message.

My intention in this is not to make lots of money - purely to keep parts supply sustainable for Ford GT owners for the future.
Let me know what you think.
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 29, 2009
I have company state side quoting this too David..But glad to see a price to compare to..



*UK Support*
Supporting Vendor
Jan 20, 2010
Colchester, Essex, UK
I have company state side quoting this too David..But glad to see a price to compare to..

Thanks Dan - it would make more sense to get these made where the bulk of the cars live.
If you need any more info to compare notes just let me know.


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
9000 pounds is $11,500

This is just me, but I would want a significant improvement in lighting performance at that price point.


*UK Support*
Supporting Vendor
Jan 20, 2010
Colchester, Essex, UK
9000 pounds is $11,500

This is just me, but I would want a significant improvement in lighting performance at that price point.
It's not off the table to discuss improving performance of the lights but that would probably have to follow later.
The problem with trying to engineer improved lighting is you'll be doing a whole bunch of testing - that could easily double the price based on discussions I've had. Improved lighting would have to be tested and probably certified too.

The cost is driven predominantly by having to make tooling for all the individual parts - these are quite big pieces and need to be high quality. Obviously the price can come down if we can order a bigger number of parts but we had to start with a number.
The plan is just to have parts available to ensure cars that have any front end damage can actually be repaired.
Right now the potential exists for cars to be unrepairable because of a shortage of parts.
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GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
9000 pounds is $11,500

This is just me, but I would want a significant improvement in lighting performance at that price point.

Didn't Ford want over 5K (each) when they were still available???

Did anyone ever make any progress on refurbing the existing units? It looked like cracking and repairing/replacing the welds wouldn't be easy or possible...

PS. Shame on Ford for not supplying critical safety related replacement parts. They're not the only one though - I couldn't get a gas tank for my '04 Dodge truck.


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
I bought a spare Passenger side from Ford. It was $1400.

I had my Z8 Headlights refurbed. It didn't go well.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 16, 2020
Gainesville FL
Why all the fuss?! 🤪



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
MANY, MANY kudos to Dave and Dan for taking this on. It is DEFINITELY not easy and the risk/rewards ratio is sketch - especially after all of the personal time that it takes to initiate these discussions, manage the relationship, quality, timeline, etc. You guys are the BEST and the GT community as a whole benefits tremendously from your efforts and initiative. VERY MUCH appreciated!!!!


GT Owner
Dec 8, 2020
Denver, CO
Pricing seems fine, especially as an item that is easily needed. I cringe at that idea of a rock or road debris "totaling" my GT because the headlight got taken out.

I for one am in for a set of replacements (even if I dont need them), but it would be REALLY nice to know some specs, some color samples, etc.
A modern LED projector would be an easy swap on these and drastically improve the night (and day) visibility.

An OEM like appearance would be a requirement for me though, I dont want extra LEDs, DRLs, etc.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 16, 2020
Gainesville FL
OK, notwithstanding my tongue-in-cheek headlight polishing video above, I'm interested in a set too. Prob all owners should be, cuz then if you need em you have em, and if you never do and some day sell the car, you could either sell em with the car, or separately. Seems like good insurance. I'm staying tuned.


Ford GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 4, 2007
Niceville FL
If you're going to completely re-engineer these headlights, why not design them so you can just replace a bulb next time. instead of an entire module. I think it's criminal that a $2 taillight bulb now costs $4400 on a 2018 Ford Raptor. It makes me absolutely sick to see the manufacturers taking advantage of their unwitting customers. I think $11,400 for 2 headlights is highway robbery. I don't care if the car is worth a million dollars, it doesn't mean a light bulb should cost $50,000. Remember, this car only cost $135,000-160,000 MSRP. I know some of you earn so much money each month, that you can't throw your money away fast enough, but there are others of us owners who are not as fortunate and would like to see reasonable prices.


GT Owner
Feb 11, 2009
Marietta Georgia
When I bought my FORD, it was the same price as a new Porsche turbo. I am in the Porsche business but always wanted a Ford GT since I was 14 (in 1966 when they won lemans first second and third of coruse) and figured that since it was a FORD no problem getting parts and service at any time, and if I knocked off a fender so what just by new repair and continue to enjoy. BOY WAS I WRONG!!!!!!!! Now GOOD LUCK finding parts (had to perform a magic act to get factory front and rear hood and hatch shocks including flashing my MSO) and If I knocked off that fender, true tragedy! Find the fender, find someone to replace it, take a car fax hit and a hundred thousand dollar devaluation AFTER it is fixed. And NOW cannot get a new headlight??? What is FORD thinking not to provide new parts for one of their most iconic cars? My car has been relegated to display value only sitting covered in my garage. I will continue to sling my Porsches through the corners with abandon!!!


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
Having never owned a Porsche I am curious, how far back do they provide parts?

BMW promised 50 year parts for the Z8 but it turns out that doesn’t mean all parts available at all times.


GT Owner
Feb 11, 2009
Marietta Georgia
back to 1948. SOME parts are harder to get but most readily available. For a 2006 ANYTHING is instantly available. Knock a fender off and smash the headlight? NO PROBLEM!!!


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Having never owned a Porsche I am curious, how far back do they provide parts?

BMW promised 50 year parts for the Z8 but it turns out that doesn’t mean all parts available at all times.
Porsche (PNA) supported 356's until about 1974. They liquidated 356 parts due to declining sales $$ and the need to increase parts storage needs for the very popular 911 series.

Last ones made were in 1965, so about 9 years after production ceased.

Total number produced was approx. 76,000 units. Made from 1948 until 1965.


GT Owner
Feb 11, 2009
Marietta Georgia
my little collection of them two roadsters, two cabs, and a 65 SC coupe


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Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
my little collection of them two roadsters, two cabs, and a 65 SC coupe
nice. Need a speedster and a 550 for the trifecta.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 29, 2009
If you're going to completely re-engineer these headlights, why not design them so you can just replace a bulb next time. instead of an entire module. I think it's criminal that a $2 taillight bulb now costs $4400 on a 2018 Ford Raptor. It makes me absolutely sick to see the manufacturers taking advantage of their unwitting customers. I think $11,400 for 2 headlights is highway robbery. I don't care if the car is worth a million dollars, it doesn't mean a light bulb should cost $50,000. Remember, this car only cost $135,000-160,000 MSRP. I know some of you earn so much money each month, that you can't throw your money away fast enough, but there are others of us owners who are not as fortunate and would like to see reasonable prices.
The bulbs are replaceable in the GT's. That's not the problem here. The Problem is Ford has not produced head lamps since 2009 and they only made about 100 spare sets then. The tooling is there for them to be made now as the company that made them still has the tooling. But the projector stuff and ballast boxes could not be sourced and Ford was not interested in paying for the redevelopment.. So here we are.. This is not new in any automotive car market. Manufactures only have to supply parts for so many years. Being this was a limited edition car there were no after market parts for it. So whether anyone likes it or not parts will not be cheap to make in small quantities to keep these things on the road and from just becoming garage queens. There are a few of us out there that are producing many parts for this car right now that are important items and we will continue to make what we can, that is needed and important.

Here's a short list of stuff I make and can supply:
Front hood
Front heat exchanger
Starter (just finishing this project)
bumper delete
x pipes
carbon under body bolt on belly pans
front splitter
side rocker spats
carbon door trim rings
carbon center counsel
carbon surrounds for clamshell
carbon rear exhaust trim
There is some stuff i'm sure im forgetting but good start to a list.


Ford GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 4, 2007
Niceville FL
BMF, I'm so happy there are people like you keeping our hobby alive. It just upsets me that the manufacturers are designing cars to be almost impossible to maintain because of complicated, "programmable" parts that can only be programmed by the dealerships at $250+ per part. Also, the parts are not simple bulb replacements, but large modules like our headlights. They are making new cars way more complicated than they need to be. That upsets me and I think we need a consumer advocate like Ralph Nadur to stop these wasteful or inconsiderate designs, whatever you want to call it. I know many private mechanic shops are now refusing to work on the new vehicles because they have to buy specialized and very expensive shop software and tools. Also, the dealerships are backlogged, and it takes weeks to get an appointment to fix your new car because the small private shops can't fix the new cars. I feel this is a national crisis due to the greediness of the manufacturers. It is a form of monopoly in my opinion and the feds need to step in to save fair competition, our economy, and jobs.
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