New Hagerty valuations out

B. West

GT Owner
Dec 17, 2012
Irvine, CA
The $10,000 price increae was just a Job #2 price increase for the 2005 MY. It had nothing to do with A-Arms or any other issues. It was more to do with revenue and demand. We underpriced the vehicle. This adjustment is pretty standard in all of our vehicles. I have the pricing sheets for 2005 and 2006. I will post later.

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
The first 500 or so cars had a seal & control arms replaced (all had the half shaft bolts replaced or should be replaced). If these were done there is no difference from the first ones as far as reliability. As Ralphie mentioned anyone can write a book. If it is properly written there will be sources & references cited that may have validity but most books are simply the opinion of the author.
