I am always interested in the penultimate engineering insight you always seem to have on Ford GT technical issues based on all your "experience" on other cars. You have been on our Forum for a few years now, but some of us old timers have been on quite a bit longer, been to many (if not all) rally’s and had the opportunity to talk directly to Ford engineers and technical personnel who were actually ON the GT development program. What these team members did in the short launch timeframe was herculean given the end product we now have.
There were many "lessons-learned" during the development of this car which had never been done before. Go read the SAE technical papers and review the Ford patents. When one of the Ford development technicians intimately knowledgeable about the inner workings of our GT speaks up and says there might be a problem with closing off these air duct panels, it would be appropriate to respect this advice. Not that one must blindly accept the premise, but at least consider the experience. Rich and Dennis KNOW the FGT and many of the development problems which were encountered. They were there in the program during the FGT birth.
You might really be smarter than all of Mr. Goodnow’s or Mr. Hameedi’s design/engineering team, but it might be wise to give these people just a little respect or credit for identifying/solving technical problems and delivering the OE product which all of us now enjoy.:wink