He was certainly a strange duck. It often seems to be the case that an individual with an amazing level of talent in some area is also cursed with an amazing level of weird in some other area. Even more disturbing to me than Michael's overnight slumber parties where he shared his bed with young boys, is the reckless disregard shown by the parents of those young boys who willingly allowed this to happen. What's the deal with that?!?!
As a performer however, he was amazing. Weird as he was, when he performed on stage, I was a fan. A trailblazing singer, songwriter, performer who took his unprecedented combination of dance and vocals in a whole new direction. Even before the young boy thing however, he was always kind of liked a Vespa motor scooter. You might find them most entertaining, but you still wouldn't want to admit that to your friends.
I was saddened by his death today. I always hope that guys like him and Mike Tyson ultimately get their act together and wind up living successful and fulfilling lives.
Michael Jackson never got there. What a country America, 'eh. The only place in the world where a poor young black man can grow up to be a rich white woman. Rest in peace Michael Jackson.