dbk Admin Staff member Le Mans 2010 Supporter Jul 30, 2005 15,248 Metro Detroit Feb 8, 2010 #1 Deserves a second thread. :eek
ChipBeck GT Owner Staff member Mark IV Lifetime Le Mans 2010 Supporter Feb 13, 2006 5,783 Scottsdale, Arizona Feb 8, 2010 #2 4 months from now..... ......we are going to throw the Ford GT party of all parties in LeMans. This is going to be a blast. I'll see you in France. Chip
4 months from now..... ......we are going to throw the Ford GT party of all parties in LeMans. This is going to be a blast. I'll see you in France. Chip
Ed Sims GT Owner Mark IV Lifetime Apr 7, 2006 7,927 NorCal Feb 9, 2010 #3 Great video Loved that short video. I wish it was longer. Thanks DBK. Ed PS For those of you not going to the party at LeMans the US one will be at Dr Frank's place!
Great video Loved that short video. I wish it was longer. Thanks DBK. Ed PS For those of you not going to the party at LeMans the US one will be at Dr Frank's place!
AJB GT Mark II Lifetime Le Mans 2010 Supporter Jun 28, 2006 2,977 Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Mar 24, 2010 #4 tickets purchased for airline Bought my airline tickets yesterday. Looking forward to the track and some good French wine. Margaret on the otherhand, is looking forward to shopping with Veronica and Francesca... andy
tickets purchased for airline Bought my airline tickets yesterday. Looking forward to the track and some good French wine. Margaret on the otherhand, is looking forward to shopping with Veronica and Francesca... andy
Fubar Totally ****** Up Mark II Lifetime Le Mans 2010 Supporter Aug 2, 2006 3,979 Dallas, TX Dec 17, 2010 #5 Dave, do you know where I can get a high res image of the picture in my sig?
M Matech GT1 GT Owner Apr 2, 2009 340 London Jun 15, 2011 #6 Holy thread resurrection Batman....do you still want that picture in hi-res? I can supply, as it's one of my images Steve
Holy thread resurrection Batman....do you still want that picture in hi-res? I can supply, as it's one of my images Steve
PILOTJPW1 GT Owner Mark IV Lifetime Sep 22, 2005 914 Maryland Jun 16, 2011 #7 Hi res picture I would like to get that picture. Can you email it to me?
M Matech GT1 GT Owner Apr 2, 2009 340 London Jun 22, 2011 #8 Do you mean the rear end shot of the unpainted car in the pit lane? Mail me an email address and I'll get it sorted for you.
Do you mean the rear end shot of the unpainted car in the pit lane? Mail me an email address and I'll get it sorted for you.