DBK pulls the trigger.
This is the dream for all of us, for the Ford GT to return to Le Mans! :banana
DBK and I have run out of time and Dave needed to make a decision on whether to sponsor one car or both Matech cars at LeMans. Even though we have only collected about half the funds necessary to sponsor the second car, Dave has advanced them 100% of the necessary funds to put our names on both Matech entries at LeMans.
This exposes our fearless leader DBK to a potential $6,000 kick in the nuts. Sponsoring these cars was my idea in the first place so I cannot let that happen. This is my shameless plea for additional contributions.
So here's the deal.
1. Dave, please let me know how much of our excess funds from the first car can be applied to the second car. I know we got smoked in the currency transfer but I believe there should be something to apply.
2. Existing LeMans Sponsors - many of you have already sent a contribution for the second car. Perhaps a few others could join us in this effort. Forget that Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund, Louisiana Oil Spill Shoreline Restoration Fund, and your monthly Save the Children contribution. For just one day, let the hedonistic side of your personality rule the roost and let's go racing at LeMans!!
3. Ford GT Members who are not LeMans Sponsors - you've got one crack in your entire life to have two Ford GTs race at the 24 hours of LeMans with your name on the side of the car and this is it. Get on board. Join us in this effort. We are very short on time but if you commit to make a contribution now I can still get your name on the side of the car and on the card inside the car. You'll receive a nice acknowledgment from the Ford Matech GT team, a billet aluminum engraved Project 321 "Return to LeMans" dash plaque for your car, and a small piece of the actual race car after the race.
4. As this entire project started at my behest, if I fail in my collection effort, I will personally pay one half of any shortfall to limit Dave's exposure. I do some of my best work under pressure! :lol :cheers
Help me out gentlemen. All the best.