Thanks for the information. Crazy story, but 10 years ago I Fed Ex’d a check to a dealer, I think in PA, for payment in full for a leftover 2016 Tungsten 4 option car. It was when availability was winding down and nearly everyone that wanted one had one. I think I got it for $10,000 off. It’s nutty to think about, but tons of Heritage cars were sitting in various lots along with a handful of Tungsten cars. In any case, my wife suggested that I should probably sit in one seeing as how I am a big dude. I found a local one in Phoenix and quickly realized my mistake. I immediately contacted the dealer and they were nice enough to send my check back. I ended up putting that money toward an investment property that I lost $500,000 on lol. So a decade later, I am thinking about taking another run and you guys have inspired me.