Yeah I'll drive mine.
The thing is, obviously the cars are (currently) pretty valuable. It's not really a matter of devaluing anything with mileage, it's just that we have absolutely atrocious roads that are not any fun to drive on here, and then these things are very, very difficult to replace. The LC cars use different tools because you can't obscure any flaws with primer and paint, and a different appearance grade of CF. Even still, MNV would typically run 3-5 of each panel before finding a set they deemed suitable for the car.
When I saw the car at MNV pretty late in build it had a dummy panel for the drivers side buttress. I knew that meant they must have found something they didn't like in the panel. In the end I was told the panel on the car now was number 9. That makes me think the majority of the cars built after are now wearing panels originally destined for this one. So I would be lying if I said that didn't make me nervous thinking of all the ways a panel could get whacked years down the road and then trying to replace it with one that is as good. Not saying it's not a bitch trying to paint match a painted panel, because lord knows it is, but it's definitely easier than this.