If you do go with high
boost fuel and driveablty become an issue.
Mine is on dyno as we speak.It all comes down to fuel.If you do go with high
boost fuel and driveablty become an issue.
Last question:
So anyone using the larger Whipple basically could only run safely on race fuel at full boost?
Or take their chances that 91-93 octane and a bottle of octane boost might still result in large repair bills.
If you know boost pressure, you can use this to get an estimate...
You'll need to modify some of the variables, but hopefully they will be obvious.
It can also be calculated directly knowing the pulley ratio, engine & supercharger displacement, and ethe ngine & supercharger's VE's. (Any restriction within the inlet track can also be included, if it is known.)
I was addressing californiacuda's question about calculating the volumetric-flow rate.Black Cobra
About 6 posts above yours they calculated the numbers and the formula is there.
so how much timing are you guys running at 19 psi of boost and what kind of spark plugs are you runnin?