I'm surprised to see the comments expressed towards the Veneno. It's not my favorite Lambo and the styling is a bit over the top but it is a Lambo yes. I think it's great that a company still exists with the balls to make cars like this and stick with the large cubic inch N/A powerplant while everyone is running for small displacement/turbo/hybrid hills. I know of a group of F car owners, one in particular with an F40, who absolutely despises the FGT. I won't repeat some of the adjectives I've heard them use to describe it but they are of a similar to some of the words in this thread used to describe the Veneno. I think almost any reasonable thinking person would agree that like it or not the neither the FGT or the Veneno are "hideous". They may not be the car that lights your fire but to describe either using such terms suggests a bit of jealousy and/or intimidation. In any case, I'd take one of these over the Veneno or FGT any day of the week