I, inadvertently, was causing another thread to go a bit off topic, so here is a new thread dealing with the delivery of L0054.
As with everyone else on the Forum, my experience with the entire Ford team, Multimatic, the folks from Jackson Dawson -- specifically, Jessica Taylor and Bernardo Martinez -- was amazing! I am at a loss to suggest how anything associated the experience could be improved... well, okay, perhaps waiting for our GT to become a reality was a bit of a challenge!
Additionally, having DBK and the Ford GT Forum as a clearinghouse for accurate information throughout the entire process was worth its weight in gold!
Anyway, L0054 is, obviously, a Carbon Series GT. It is painted with an extended palette color called Highland Green. Highland Green is a 1968 Ford color. The color's very strong Ford heritage notwithstanding, it is still considered to be an extended palette color, and you know what that mean$!
Real Ford/Shelby aficionados will recognize the very special guest who traveled to Multimatic along with me and my family for the tour.
Here is a link to the photos....
As with everyone else on the Forum, my experience with the entire Ford team, Multimatic, the folks from Jackson Dawson -- specifically, Jessica Taylor and Bernardo Martinez -- was amazing! I am at a loss to suggest how anything associated the experience could be improved... well, okay, perhaps waiting for our GT to become a reality was a bit of a challenge!
Additionally, having DBK and the Ford GT Forum as a clearinghouse for accurate information throughout the entire process was worth its weight in gold!
Anyway, L0054 is, obviously, a Carbon Series GT. It is painted with an extended palette color called Highland Green. Highland Green is a 1968 Ford color. The color's very strong Ford heritage notwithstanding, it is still considered to be an extended palette color, and you know what that mean$!
Real Ford/Shelby aficionados will recognize the very special guest who traveled to Multimatic along with me and my family for the tour.
Here is a link to the photos....