Not hard to pull the lower portion apart for shipping.
Disconnect the seat belt active wire next to tunnel once seat is slid forward
You'll have to slide seat back and forward to get to the bolts in the floor (Torx 50. I used blue thread locker when I reinstalled and kept each bolt in its same location as their marked from factory and tightened to match torqued marks).
Do the rear floor bolts first.
I found my socket and Torx struggled to fit in the limited space above the front floor bolts and as I took them out I also tilted the frame back (doing a wheelie) so I could keep gaining space when the bolts backing out.
Add a towel to the side sill so seat won't bang there as you remove it (easier to till seat very vertical when taking out of cabin)
Tilt seat sideways a bit to expose the seat belt strap bolt.... (Rest it on the towel a bit...I think its a 17mm socket)
Find a table to work on seat.
Take off other side seat "clicker" and frame support.
Take note of the underside seat bolt/track locations... slide track back/forard so you can get to access to them.
Pics and vid will help you remember the bolt/hole orientation.
I used a bit of butyl blob and a picking tool to stick the bolt to butyl and then direct the bolt into its hard to reach track slot (unless you have alien fingers when your putting the tracks back on)
There are two bolts on each side of seat (easy to remove Torx 40) that connect the two sections of the seats
There's a small cap ro remove on the tunnel side of the seat that hides the tilt adjustment shaft clip.
Tap the shaft to free it from the retaining clip ( I used a section of rod steel, easy to get free)....and pull the seat adjuster shaft out (keep the retainer ring safe would-be easy to loose)
If the teeth on the ring aren't flat, tap them flat so they bite the shaft when you reinstall it.
My lower portion of the seat came free pretty easy, might be tight and two people would help jiggle it free if tight.
I did $2,500 on the value for shipping and protected the ends of the seat arms incase they punched through the box.
My shipping was $200 from FL to WI at the time.
Shipping was alot more then that on the return but they did find a little cheaper rate the second try.
Return insurance value would need to reflect the $2,000 Knights work on the return trip valuation.
I also cleaned out the floor when seat was out from bits a dirt/dust and when I got it all back together I did a moisturise on the leather.
Its pretty easy job.