Hey, I'm as lazy as the next guy... scratch that, I'm LAZIER than most!! My question for all you anal-retentive gearheads is: Is it reasonable to go TWO years between oil and filter changes, with the following provisos. I use only the specified OEM oil (always a full synth--Mobil 1 [except the FGT]), I always change and use premium filter, I do the work myself on my lift. The cars accrue 2000 miles or less a year. When fired, I always drive the beast at least half an hour at a goodly speed to make sure everyone gets up to operating temp and has a good workout.
My reason for asking is, if one has a coupla other hi-performance/hi HP Detroit iron puppies, is it OK to let things go a bit longer than the norm (1 year) period between changes? Or do contaminents, water condensate, etc. make 1 year the max between oil changes for any level-headed person? It's not really the cost, I'm just LAZY and prefer doing the work since I know how to to lift my cars without damaging anything. In my experience, having ANYONE lift your lowered, hi-HP baby is always fraught with risk. Marking the rocker panels ( "Oh, they're fiber---bending them a little won't hurt anything"), nicking exhaust systems ("Well the damn thing hangs so low"), seems the way the new generation of even hi-end mechanics does business--- even as you are standing there watching!
But back to the question---is 2 years ever OK 'tween oil changes?? ... or is it nein! 1 year and just do it!
Thanks, Redeemed
My reason for asking is, if one has a coupla other hi-performance/hi HP Detroit iron puppies, is it OK to let things go a bit longer than the norm (1 year) period between changes? Or do contaminents, water condensate, etc. make 1 year the max between oil changes for any level-headed person? It's not really the cost, I'm just LAZY and prefer doing the work since I know how to to lift my cars without damaging anything. In my experience, having ANYONE lift your lowered, hi-HP baby is always fraught with risk. Marking the rocker panels ( "Oh, they're fiber---bending them a little won't hurt anything"), nicking exhaust systems ("Well the damn thing hangs so low"), seems the way the new generation of even hi-end mechanics does business--- even as you are standing there watching!
But back to the question---is 2 years ever OK 'tween oil changes?? ... or is it nein! 1 year and just do it!
Thanks, Redeemed