I really like the NGT! It looks like Ford did everything right. However, it is a product for competing with other modern, contemporary super cars. I think it will compete very well. I do not believe it will look timeless in 50 years. Few, if any, cars today can boast of a design that looks as good today as it did when it was born 50 years ago. Sure a 250LM, Daytona, or an E Type look great when you see them today. But they look like a classic old sports car. The '05-'06 GT confuses the viewer with a mix of classic styling combined with modern drop dead beauty. Those that don't know about the car think it is a brand new release. Those that know about it just smile and are thankful for what Ford committed to in 2003. Nothing is like our '05 - '06 GT. I want a NGT, but I have no expectations that it will be the classic that we are lucky enough to drive today. We are a lucky few!