I suggest getting the service manual. It's got all the details. It's easy to say "remove the headlight" but the book will give you some explicit instructions. Both paper and electronic versions are available. I bought the CD electronic version. I can print things I need (to pdf or the printer directly) so I'm building up a set of pdf electronic stuff for things along the way.
Removing the fender liners is a treat - they are rigid but must be slightly deformed (up at the top by the struts). Remember there are 4 clips at the very top of the liners. They may pull out harder than you want if so just cut them off. I considered the "Christmas Tree" clips to be disposable and to be replaced more than be reused. Sometimes they will come out OK, but sometimes they get deformed.
You will not be able to buy enough blue painters tape. You should cover everything at least twice. My observation is that removing the fender liners will be your biggest exposure, so taping well around the wheel wells will be very important. Also be very patient. If you've never done it before take your time, and if things aren't going well take a breather and come back. You will struggle the first time, but it'll be easier if you ever need to do it again.
Take lots of pictures of where things were and put blue tape on the places where things come out (esp. the fender liners as the holes disapper). Mark numbers on stuff - this faster #2 goes to this #2 on the liner, etc.
Really, this car is so easy to work on. I am not afraid. The GT is a million dollar car built with American "can't take too long on the line" assembly methods. It's rock solid, engineered with precision, and way too much fun to drive (and work on, when you need to). Then once you have the skins off you will be further amazed at what's under the covers.