Another great watchmaker, not yet mentioned, whom has done some great pieces for Ferrari is Panerai.
I have yet to purchase the 430 I want so bad, but I splurged on my birthday this year with the Panerai Ferrari watch. Great piece in my small collection.
Empty: The REDs had to be recalibrated to run slow so the other could keep up.
Dat's da DUMBEST thing I ever hoy-d. :biggrin
Your referencing this one Chris.
Limited edition to I think 3000 units. $4K list. I found mine last year. You can find them on the secondary market but they aren't making them anymore..haven't been for about a year. I also have the watch that was given out to the owners in Germany but don't have a picture of it handy..I'll try to get one.
And I really like the tag as well...actually wearing it today.
HHGT was most kind to track one of these down in S. CA. for me last year. My wife doesn't allow me to wear it much since it hardly matches anything but I do get to it wear to the Rallys at least.
Why was that Dumb Pockets? It's true....
It matches the forum, so you should wear it every time you're on the forum.
'Cause a quick call to the manufacturer confirmed the mechanisms in the BLUE ones had to be slowed down via heavier sprockets/gears to keep their wearers from showing up for appointments a day early...the red ones OTOH needed more powerful mainsprings and lighter sprockets just to stay within minimum accuracy specs.
It's all in the report I'm forwarding to you, Special Agent Gibbs.
Sam - I'm ashamed of you!!
Go to the left bottom of this page and set your Quick Style Chooser to "Mark IV Red"
You see Ralphie I have the 2 best colors on 2 GTs, Heritage and Red. This week, the forum page is Heritage, next week it's Red. Sooo, not guilty as charged.:willy:willy:willy
Pockets: If we all chipped an bought you a RED FGT would you drive it or let it sit in the roach motel for FGTs with all the other lost FGT souls never to see day light again?
Just sayin.
No so fast their Mr. FGT prison warden :skep
Whats your answer?:tap:
Ah ha..just as other words you would never commit to actually driving a RED FGT either. At least your non discriminatory.
So sad. That RED FGT was you pockets all the way. What a better way to actually finally experience what an FGT is like to drive beyond the confines of your own driveway then in a RED one.
Ah ha..just as other words you would never commit to actually driving a RED FGT either.