That Le Mans red version would undoubtedly run slow...so, I'd suggest staying away from that one - group purchase or no.
I'm jus' sayin'...
I don't think I could afford either one.
I don't think I could afford either one.
I'm easy, I'll be very happy with both....
Richard Hille - (still single after all these years....)
The GT School
Do they offer an hourly rental or perhaps a comparison test? A video of features and an endurance test would also be nice. I would most definitely be interested in testing both models. Maybe a lease?
You guys are just chromosome watchers...
BlackIce will take the:
Style: Leather Cream & Gulf scarf
Here is another Gulf Version with Valjoux 7750
Heuer makes a Gulf Version too
I'm guessing there is little or no interest in the watches. You guys are just chromosome watchers...
Now, THAT'S a new term for it! :lol :thumbsup :cheers
Regarding the watch (and there IS only "one" for the reason stated): it doesn't ring my chimes all that much. But then, only 1 or 2 of the "racer style" watches ever have. So, my opinion is jaded.
Also seeing a overtly strong Rolex ... design "influence" in their model line.
Not that anybody cares, but, therein lies my watch preference in general (...uncultured, ultimate timepiece ignorant, trailer trash transplant I am ).
I LIKE several other "high end" offerings ( from Breguet, Coram [specially their "Bridge" models] & Breitling to name 3), but they all seem either overly "bling" or too darn plain to me. 'Nothing really "in between". Rolex OTOH has many pieces right in the middle. JMO.
I'll shuddup now. I'll write when I find work...ld: :willy
Agree again EP. Try and sell a Piaget or Breitling. Rolex has it pretty cornered. Kind of like dogs imo. There are Labs and then everything else. There are Rolexs and then all the others.