WELL,........ today I had the GT GUYS replace my half shaft bolts and washers... they suggested the upgrade, I really thought that it wasn't necessary and perhaps a little 'bs'.... well, again, I was dead ass wrong.
On 1153, I had one bolt loose and backing out and when we pulled out the bolts on washer was concave. My washers were the old style. If I did not do this upgrade I have no doubt I would find myself broken down on the side of the road.
The new bolts are safety wired in place. To be clear, Ricardo and not Ford are the guilty people.
Cost me $355 plus share of the travel time, but I'd rather have experts work on my car than grease monkeys. Had no desire trying to convince a Ford dealer that this work should be done before a failure.
Besides I got to drive 300 miles today.