GT Usage Pattern Survey

# of times you drove the GT in last 12 mo. ?

  • Total voters


GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
Pls report # of times you drove the GT in last 12mos.

(In an effort to see if usage is related to issues: guages, battery, leaks, depression:frown etc.)


Mark II Lifetime
Jun 23, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
Drive it between 75-100 times a year, but that year is only about 6-7 months long as it's in winter storage from Mid-late October until Mid-late March/April.


2005 white/blue stripe
Jun 18, 2010
Rye Brook, New York
I got it the last week of June, have tried to use it every nice weekend possible. Even with the moving my daughter from Boston to DC, which took me out of the GT for 3 weekends, and some family "problems" which took me out another couple of weekends, I've put on over 3,500 miles since I got it. Still have a few nice weekends here in the NorthEast and hope to use the car until I can't get enough heat in the tires to be safe on the road. I didn't buy it to preserve it for the next owner, nor do I care if the value drops due to mileage, I got it to drive it!!!


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Theoretically I would drive it 3+ times a week but my mechanic has been using it to pick up chicks for the the better part of the summer.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Richmond Virginia
Bought mine with the idea i would rarely drive it and keep putting miles on the 3 Vipers and V. Didn't happen. Got it with low miles now have 6400. Oh well.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Just did 2K miles + to and from the Rally.


I don't fit any of those selections... The Heritage with 100 miles is on a charger waiting for my 14 yr. old to graduate from Harvard or Caltech or ???? The Red one has 6400 miles on her but in the 4 years of ownership she only got 200 miles on her last year - house construction. My 11 Yr old wants that one and the 96 Viper when he finishes MIT he says. He also said I can drive her when he employs me - I believe he will....


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
I drive mine as much as possible, time and weather permitting, usually about 4+days / week


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 28, 2008
When i found mine it was a couple hundred miles away and i drove in an ice storm averaging 30 mph to look at it. Then i didn't want it delivered untill the roads cleared up and the snow stopped so even once i finally had the car home it was three months before i could drive it. During that time i thought i was going to keep it a low milage garage queen, never make any modifactions to it, and was concerned about it going down in value if i put too many miles on it, As Shelby has said" they are milage sensative". Then it warmed up, the roads cleared up, and i drove it. LOL, That's when everything changed!!!! OMG i am glad i wised up and now i drive it every chance i get. I'm not saving my girl friend for the next guy either.

Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
as result of owning way more vehicles than what is just listed in my sig i drive my GT approximately once a month for 100 miles or so. like everything else i own it doesn't get driven much but when it does it is rode hard and put up wet like the triple crown champion thoroughbred that she is....:cool


GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
Hoping to get 200+ Votes.

I know we have ~ 250 "very active" users, so this non-partisan Poll should be easy.....


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
I put 3300 miles on my Gt this year so far .A grand total of 23k on her since 2006(new)
6300 miles on my GTR
1200 on my 911
600 on my 1951 caddy
I guess I like enjoy the rides!!!
Anyone want to go for a ride ?


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 9, 2010
Flagstaff, AZ
Since I got my GT last Saturday, I didn't vote. But. I can tell you what I plan to do. I plant to drive the GT 2-3 times a week minimum. This is the car I dreamed of owning back in the 60's, so this won't be a garage queen. I love this car!



GT Owner
Apr 12, 2009
I have owned my GT for almost 20 months and I have put 500 miles on her since I got her , bringing the total to 2300 miles , I know I should be driving her a lot more but instaed I spend a lot of time behind the wheel of my cobra


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
I drive Helenor every chance I get. 14500 miles of smiles and counting....:biggrin


RED GT owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 3, 2006
Bremerton, Washington
I try to drive it at least once a week. Still has original battery and have not had to use a charger.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 4, 2006
I try to drive it at least once a week. Still has original battery and have not had to use a charger.

Interesting to read your battery comment KMCBOSS.....I've now owned by GT 4 years 4 months, have 17,600 on the odometer and also have the original battery with never a plug into the charger. Even though I'll go 3-4 weeks sometimes without driving her, I never have had a hitch with battery, gauges, etc. I feel lucky since I have read and heard about so many Optima nightmares....


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 22, 2007
Calgary, Great White
I've been averaging 5000 miles per year for the last 3 years, but this summer of rain in Calgary cut this year's total to 3000. Of course if the next rally is in Arizona or California, the drive will boost that average back up again.


GT Owner
Jul 14, 2006
So. Ca.
I have owned my GT for 4 years 1 month . I have enjoyed every one of the 15,361 miles. The battery is always strong. Twice after refueling the gas gage didn't read until it was restarted. both times when shut down and restarted gage came back to life. Rear tires 7500 miles each time. Bridgestones now much better. Owning a great car and not driving it is like having a beautiful wife and not________. I drive mine and enjoy it. Worth every penny.:wink:thumbsup:party:cool


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 5, 2007
Surrey, UK
I drive it everyday unless it is at Mountune/Revolve for some upgrades/service.

I bought it in 2006.... now after 27,000 miles it still gives me the same excitement.
