Hated to leave the party, know I am missing the meal of the century tonight though as much food as I consumed in a day a half, there might not have been much room. Again, thanks to Joey & Ellen & Nick & Joey, for allowing me back this year. It always great seeing Rich & Denis again, and the multitude of GT owners, even those too cautious to bring bring their cars onto Long Island (and I don't blame you for that, as the roads, well, let's say they are not very smooth ), and all the significant others and friends that came out to this event.
Isn't there some rule about posting photo's of any-car-other-than-yours; or does this count only for wrecks. Not that mine isn't a wreck, with almost 20,000 miles. But I have this feeling there may be a less than kind picture coming up in this thread. Be warned.
Thanks all of you up there at Joey's. I had a blast!
Pete S.