GT driving experiences

BM SoCal

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 2, 2009
Orange County, CA
Dang, what's with all the Prius haters? That's my daily driver, love the thing. Drive the carpool lane every day (without sticker), park it anywhere, don't care if it gets dinged, lots of room for the kids, almost never fill it up. That's one of the best things, not spending time at the gas station because it only takes 9 gallons. No offense to those who own stations but it never seems a convenient time to fill up. And it flies under the radar which can be pretty nice. Enough on that.

GT on the other hand gets more attention than riding an elephant down the street. It's the Batmobile. I have had 2 guys follow me home to see the car, one was an out and out nut who pulled a U turn on a busy street and barely missed causing an accident. Please go away and never come back. Now I watch the rearview to make sure I have no followers. I understand now why Batman hid his car in the bat cave.

When I picked it up the dealer didn't correctly transfer the plates, must have been personalized so they should have ordered me new ones. I never received any. No one has ever questioned why I have no plates, they think it's a new car because most have never seen one.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
...and answer a question or two ('car was parked).

Holy cow, what a missed opportunity..... that whole "sitting in the car while parked" experience would have been a great topic for the two of you to deliberate! :biggrin:biggrin:biggrin

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State was an out and out nut who pulled a U turn on a busy street and barely missed causing an accident.

That reminds me of a guy who saw #1079 sitting in a restaurant parking lot (my usual SECURE parking place!:biggrin) and darn near caused a rear ender when he hit the brakes to rubberneck.

He musta instantly realized what a dumb move that was ('a 50 mph zone, 2 lane road at that time), 'cause he quickly went on down the road to the 1st place he could turn around and he then came BACK, pulled into the 'lot on 2 wheels, stopped beside the GT (blocking the exit lane, BTW), got out of his car and went around #1079 about 2 dozen times, jaw dragging on the blacktop & shaking his head in disbelief the whole time. (One of the restaurant patrons leaned over to me and said, "I think that guy likes your car." :lol)

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Holy cow, what a missed opportunity..... that whole "sitting in the car while parked" experience would have been a great topic for the two of you to deliberate! :biggrin:biggrin:biggrin

May yur 1/2 shaft bolts drop into the street at 3 A.M...about 120 miles from the nearest house or a "no service" cell phone zone...on "day one" of a RAIN SOAKED 4 day holiday weekend, sir! :tongue:tongue:tongue


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Holy cow, what a missed opportunity..... that whole "sitting in the car while parked" experience would have been a great topic for the two of you to deliberate! :biggrin:biggrin:biggrin

good one!

Much better than EP sitting in the car and talking to his self:biggrin


GT Owner
Apr 12, 2009
Just like so many of you I really enjoy the interaction between the public and the GT , what does disapoint me is when I am driving down the freeway and I can see in my drivers mirror the people pull up into my blind spot and literally go nuts over the car , taking pictures , pointing , almost driving off the road or into me and then when they pull up beside me about 95% of them will not look me in the face or give me a wave if their lives depended on it.

One prime example of this caulky attitude is when my freind and I took our wives out for dinner at a local Cactus Club restaraunt and we did not want to park in the restaraunt lot as it was to packed so we asked the nearby FORD dealer if we could leave our eye candy in his lot while we had dinner , of course he was fine with this

After dinner we told the wives to wait in front of the restaraunt where there was a complete glass entrance 75 feet long , and everyone in the restaraunt had a full view of any car pulling up , we then walked back to the FORD dealer and brought the 2 GTs up to the front door , when I got out of my car and looked up at the glass wall I think almost everyone in the restaraunt broke there necks by turning away at light speed to be sure we did not get any recognition , to bad for them they missed a great showing

Maybe it is just me but I dont understand this , are people jealous , are they shy , or do they just not want to give any recognition for owning one of the greatset cars of all time

Luke Warmwater

Permanent Vacation
Jul 29, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
I would say shy. Most people will check out a pretty woman until she turns and looks and then they pretend like they weren't looking. If you're a knucklehead like me you get flat busted and then get the "my eyes are up here" look :)


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Richmond Virginia
2 words---carry permit.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Maybe it is just me but I dont understand this , are people jealous , are they shy, or do they just do not want to give any recognition for owning one of the greatest cars of all time.


I think we can all recite multiple stories like, or darn similar to, the ones you just related.

I've told of the time wifey & I were heading south on a particular street and as pedestrian was headed north on the sidewalk on the SAME side of the street...the GT was OBVIOUSLY directly in his line of sight because he was walking straight toward us (how could he NOT see the GT!)...and I could tell by his body language it was all he could do NOT to watch the GT go by...but, he was bound and DETERMINED he wasn't gunna acknowledge the GT's presence in any way or show A-N-Y interest in the car AT ALL...and he ALLLLLLLLLLLLLMOST made it - BUT, NOT QUITE! As we passed by him, I rolled the driver's window down and watched the side mirror as I told wifey, "You watch. As soon as he thinks we've gone by FAR enough, he's gunna turn around for a look-see." And, sho nuff, he did just that as I STUCK MY HAND OUT THE WINDOW AND WAVED BACK AT HIM! 'GOTCHA!!!

For some reason, some folks just DO NOT WANNA GIVE THE OTHER GUY ANY KIND OF "KUDOS" FOR ANYTHING AT it for owning a supercar like the GT...or a nice house...or for receiving some sort of special recognition for this or that - or for WHATEVER it may be. It' almost as though by DOING so they're admitting some short coming in themselves. In the case of something like the GT, maybe a part of it is that these folks can't afford something like that, and they need to rationalize that THEY COULD have "one of those" too if they really wanted one...they just "don't want one", therefore they CAN'T show the interest they SUPPOSEDLY don't have - BUT REALLY DO! "'Know what I mean, Vern"?

I'm sure glad I'm perfect...

Dr. Phil Pockets
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Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
good one!

Much better than EP sitting in the car and talking to his self:biggrin

...and may your OWN mizzerbull self be keeping Kendall COMPANY over those 4 days, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeew..................


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
After owning a GT for a year I am still amazed at the craziness some people are prone to display when they come upon you. One becomes accustom to the thumbs up, picture taking, and the occasional stoplight conversation but there is another variety of attention that I have lately been experiencing that is a little disconcerting. Yesterday as I was driving along a boulevard a beat up old car up ahead begin to slow after the driver caught sight of me in his mirror. As I pulled along side they had their windows down and three gentleman begin to hoot and hollar. I gave them a courteous nod and tried to continue on. These guys followed me through a couple right turns and a few minutes after our initial encounter pulled up along side again. At this point the driver who was very loud begin to yell something about why does your car backfire. He went on to state it sounds like a POS and that he has 700hp in some vehicle he has and would blow the doors off the GT. I smiled and nodded and tried to ignore then. No luck. He stayed beside for several blocks yelling and screaming about my car running like a POS and that he was a mechanic and should take a look. At one point he was so engrossed at yelling at me he crossed the lane divider and nearly collided with me. At that point I sped up and led them into an intersection at which point I braked hard and made a left turn as they flew past. I can only guess at what they were lit on.

A few weeks ago I had a couple "older" gals that followed me around for a couple miles yelling and screaming out the windows and honking their horn. Mind you this is in heavy city traffic. Eventually at a busy intersection stop light the driver yells over that her friend wants to go for a ride at which point I see the passenger door open and this old Betty is getting out right in the middle of the intersection to come hop in my car. God was looking after me that day because right at that moment the light turned green and I quickly accelerated away and got out of Dodge.

I tell ya there are some crazy people out there. Just another reason why my GT is usually only driven at 6am on the weekends when all the loons are sleeping one off and the crazy soccer moms are still in bed.

Probably normal for Colorado, in California youwould be offered at some point lunch!


People are shocked when you tell them you have a GT. Then my kids bud in and say Dad has 2, that's the point when envy turns to hatred!


2005 white/blue stripe
Jun 18, 2010
Rye Brook, New York
Whenever I tell someone that I have a Ford GT, they immediately think Mustang and I have to explain to them, no not a Mustang GT, the ones that do know what it is are very complimentary, the others are just ignorant. My other toy is a NSX, and I just loved when I pulled up to the Scarsdale Concours last year (parked next to 2 Ford GT's) and the "enthusiast" at the desk doing check in asked me which model Ferrari I had, my response was "the only one made in Japan". Even so called "enthusiasts" of fine autos blush when they're shown their ignorance. I've put on over 2,500 miles on the car since I got it in the past 6 weeks and yes, it makes you a rock star. People fall out of their seats trying to get a better view, take pictures, etc. I didn't buy the car for that "reaction", I bought it because I always lusted for it, the opportunity presented itself and I fulfilled one of my dreams (bucket list). If the car didn't give me a "thrill" everytime I see it, and push the red button, and the right pedal, I wouldn't keep it. I plan on driving it until I can't!!!!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
This past weekend ,someone asked me if it was a viper !!!OUCH!!!
As for are people jealous.No I don't think so
.I believe its like admiring a gorgeous women.
You may not have her but you can still admire her !


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 4, 2009
Interesting thread, my experiences have been nothing but positive. In fact when I park and monitor the car, from a place where i can see, I'm always encouraged how people that don't know I"m watching are very respectful, never touch the car and I've noticed they keep their hands behind their backs.
Theres no question about the rock star quality of these cars, now I kind of know how Brad Pitt must feel! The attention is overwelming.
The most often response I get is "I've read alot about these cars but I have never seen one in person".
Driving is challenging, with phone cameras, the thumbs up people, gawkers, screamers, followers etc. but it's all positive. The general public absolutely love our cars!
My only challenge is with me and how I react to this attention. On a good day I'm kind of geeky and I have to adjust my personna to compliment the car, (you know friendly but not too friendly but not aloof), I'm bald and I tried the fake ponytail out the back of the ballhat trick, but it kept blowing off.
I drive several other cars Viper RT10, 1965 Vette, 90 ZR-1 bla bla bla, but nothing compairs to these cars. Viper gets mixed reaction mostly good but suprisingly sometimes negative, my Vetts don't get much attention except from other Vette owners.


BTW when I am sitting in the car, usually people slobber and stare and its all about the car. But when I am standing next to the car, the attention is all focused on me as if the car does not even exist and all attention is drawn exclusively to me. I must be one heck of a specimen, has that ever happened to any of you?

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
BTW when I am sitting in the car, usually people slobber and stare and its all about the car. But when I am standing next to the car, the attention is all focused on me as if the car does not even exist and all attention is drawn exclusively to me. I must be one heck of a specimen, has that ever happened to any of you?

You MIGHT wanna cease consumption of whatever 'tis you're drinking or smoking... :lol


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Richmond Virginia
BTW when I am sitting in the car, usually people slobber and stare and its all about the car. But when I am standing next to the car, the attention is all focused on me as if the car does not even exist and all attention is drawn exclusively to me. I must be one heck of a specimen, has that ever happened to any of you?
