Black is up also. If you find little screwy things let me know.
If you've never changed styles, it's on the bottom left of the page.
:lol 'Same here lastnight! 'Clicked on The 'Forum (evidently during the "changeover") and a big "popup" appeared declaring a "FATAL ERROR"!!! Holy socks!!!!!:eek I pulled my .45 and jumped behind my couch expecting something really BAD was about to happen! :rofl:rofl:rofl
We bit paranoid aren't we? "PARANOID POCKETS"
:skep Hey! I'M NOT THE GUY who's doublewide is surrounded by a wall so high Superman couldn't scale it...AND who had a security/camera system installed that the C.I.A. can only envy covering every square inch of the place...AND who demands to know (VIA INTERCOM no less!) "Who goes there?!", anytime a commoner approaches his front gate! :tap:
I'm jus' sayin'... :slap
Does "Cautious Pockets" suit you better?:bored