Ford no sell agreement

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
Also, it is almost a given that a few will just bubble wrap the thing and sell it down the road. Just the way it is.




Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
I think people should be able to do whatever they want with their car. Stare at it, drive it, track it, whatever. People get enjoyment out of cars for different reasons. It will be nice to see them on the road mixed with the 05/06.

I just think Ford went through a lot of grief to at least attempt to have hardcore enthusiasts get the car, so if you can't make it 24 months before selling out, you're not gonna get any pats on the back for beating the system. Ford could have easily said "screw it," sent them to dealers, and they'd be sitting on showroom floors marked at $1.5 million. I can only imagine the bitching that would be going on in that scenario. :lol


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 19, 2007
Katy, Texas
Well said Dave. We should all be thankful that Ford has allowed many of us an opportunity to purchase this car that wouldn't normally be possible. I realize there are those that are not so lucky at this time but I still believe that for those that are wanting a car Ford will do everything they can to see that those die hard owners are able to achieve that goal. No doubt some will come up empty and for that I am thankful to be allowed such an allocation but never give up that dream. This thread started on the idea of a "buy/sell contract" and no doubt Ford has taken some pressure for the way it was handled but if you really look back and consider the prices the NFGT would be sitting on dealer showroom floors I think we all owe Ford a big "THANK YOU" for this opportunity...

Mark H.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
I realize there are those that are not so lucky at this time but I still believe that for those that are wanting a car Ford will do everything they can to see that those die hard owners are able to achieve that goal. No doubt some will come up empty and for that I am thankful to be allowed such an allocation but never give up that dream.

I agree. Just because "celebrities" are by nature famous, they got a lot of attention getting allocations. They were a trivial amount of the overall pool. The majority of people who got cars were GT owners. Period. This is public information. One could expect that as additional cars are allocated, Ford will wade even deeper into the enthusiast pool.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 19, 2013
I agree. Just because "celebrities" are by nature famous, they got a lot of attention getting allocations. They were a trivial amount of the overall pool. The majority of people who got cars were GT owners. Period. This is public information. One could expect that as additional cars are allocated, Ford will wade even deeper into the enthusiast pool.

From your mouth to God's ears!


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
All true... the media seems to play it up BIG that all of those given the opportunity to buy one of these fantastic cars is a sports figure, celebrity or multi millionaire. Most of us are ''mere mortals'' who just love this stuff and are really stretching to achieve our goals.

But, I think I will get a Pittsburgh Steelers helmet, Tigers baseball cap, a Kid Rock decal and maybe a Ralph Lauren blazer to wear when I drive.
When I get out of the car I will put the helmet on the passenger seat and the Tiger cap on the instrument panel.

andy (ajb)


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Richmond Virginia
Mine will be insured for $2M then I am going to ........never mind--I'm a lousy swimmer.


GT Owner
Sep 30, 2009
Last edited:


GT Owner
Oct 9, 2006

I think the guy's full of crap! His comments fly in the face of everything I've read or heard. I suspect he may have 'sunk his ship' by going public with his comments.... bottom of the list for sure!

His comments about US dealers are equally absurd. If a dealer actually had one... I would think it would be $1,000,000+.... a bargain when compared to a La Ferrari!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
The guy is claiming he has one coming for exactly what happened: someone wrote a blog post about it that gets sent around the internet.

Gene Cassone

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 3, 2005
way upstate NY
Agree with Dave's analysis above as I believe the rest of us do! Can we now close this topic and put it to rest!!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 11, 2012
Central Mitten
The current GT owner who sells their NFGT within the first 2 years will make for some awkward moments at future GT rallies. LOL.

Awsum GT

GT Owner '18
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 17, 2005
Carmel & Cntrl Ca
Yeah, but most of those people are totally full of shit. Many idiot brokers were telling people in the fall of last year they had an allocation available for late 16. :rolleyes Still happening right now.

20 cars a month. Pretty easy to figure out.

So Dave... does this mean you're not going to sell me your GT?


GT Owner
Dec 8, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Can we now close this topic and put it to rest!!

Not until we hit 10 pages:lol


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Breaking Announcement:

I'd like to confirm that I will be the first person to receive the new AMG Project One hypercar. I will make the first example I am slated to receive available at just $100k over list. This compares favorably to Europe where it is being offered at €500k over list.

Seriously, ask Tobias Moers. Totally legit.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Agree with Dave's analysis above as I believe the rest of us do! Can we now close this topic and put it to rest!!

Not until we hit 10 pages:lol

Let's hop in the wayback machine.

The original 05/06 GT was hot. Then not as hot. Then Wallace Wyss wrote his "super headache" article in Car and Driver claiming that the GT was a disaster. The GT lost in a comparison test to a regular Gallardo and a regular Ferrari F430 (ha). People started going into dealerships saying "look, the prices of these are tanking fast" and dealers panicked and dumped them. Lots of idiotic arguments were made on the internet that the GT was a shitty Ford with a cheap interior, a leaky transaxle with a ghetto speedi-sleeve patch, and control arms that would break at speed and kill you. It was no faster than a Z06 that cost less than half as much money blah blah blah. Near the end of production they sat in dealerships under MSRP.

Then they went out of production and were unavailable, and they got cooler. The "shiniest new object" crowd dissipated and GT retained a really cult following of loyal owners. Lots of people had lots of fun out driving them for the sheer enjoyment of it and they started to appreciate as guys wouldn't part with them. Then dudes were constantly updating auction results. People were claiming Heritages would be $1 million shortly, to be followed imminently by all other GTs. Here we sit today and a Heritage just hammered at auction for $327k with low miles.

Point is, people are going to ride the same rollercoaster of dumb shit with this car because that's what the internet is for. I assure you. It's coming.

Buy what you like, enjoy your time with it and have fun. If you're GT long, it's all static.

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
Well said DBK.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 19, 2013
Breaking Announcement:

I'd like to confirm that I will be the first person to receive the new AMG Project One hypercar. I will make the first example I am slated to receive available at just $100k over list. This compares favorably to Europe where it is being offered at €500k over list.

Seriously, ask Tobias Moers. Totally legit.

Congrats! Another V6 in your stable.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Always remember as Texas Mongrel (David Rowan) just told me not 15 minutes ago, " We are only caretakers of our possessions, so enjoy them".


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
Im going to drive mine every chance I get! I already have friends booking rides at Limerock and Watkins Glen!