Hello everyone. I am so glad to have managed to come to the rally even if it was just for part of it as I needed to be back for my daughter’s birthday dinner and another event Saturday. It was so nice to see old friends and to meet new ones. Yes, I was the loser without my cars!
Over the years I have only attended a few earlier rallies as I travel extensively for work but no excuse! Last week I realized that I have missed so many good times with great friends who are like an extended family. The best is to see the ultimate loyalty to the point that some guys don’t even currently own a GT and still come to hang.
I would like to thank DBK, Chip, Multimatic gang and everyone who was involved with arranging and hosting this top-notch event. I can imagine all that was involved in putting this on in such a short time and for DBK and Chip to have gone earlier to navigate routes and venues etc. DBK was always like a Johnny on the spot for everything for everyone. Early mornings when I peaked out to my great view of the cars in front of my room, I saw DBK there and attached is proof! Thank you Dave for everything
One of the best highlights for me was when King Koshkarian offered to take me for a ride on the track. My abs and butt cheeks are still sore from clenching the entire time!

What a great driver. Thank you, King Koshkarian.
Anyways I really hope to see you all again soon and will make every effort to make the next ones.
Thank you again and lets pray for a win tomorrow!